Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Wandering, 08 march 2022

    Nothing outstanding to write about today.  Temp was in the 40s outside, living room a balmy 67F.  Sigh.  Talked with my furnace guy.  Some idiot mailed the part I need to a different place.  Not here today.  Sure hope tomorrow.

    We have snow forecast starting tomorrow night.  And cold.  Sure hope my furnace works by then.  I am tired of sleeping on the sofa.  And tired of being chilly.  Sleep is ok.  Warm blankets.

    Trash truck came today.  I cannot see my trash bins to see if the actually stood them up.  They are not the most caring crew.

    I had a board meeting tonight but I skipped it.  I sent my minutes to another member.  I just cannot leave.  Cannot leave the the heater on if I am gone.  And to turn it off and let it get super cold in here I just cannot do.  It would take forever to get warmer in here.  I am not in a winning position.  Without heat, I do not see me going to work tomorrow.  I miss being there so much.  And sitting here alone is wearing on me.  I had a mini-meltdown last evening.

    One good thing I got Pepsis from Amazon.  Thank goodness.  I have some tv dinners coming this week and next.  I won't starve.

    Yesterday a friend from a few years ago asked to be my friend again.  Very nice.  He does post things often.  I like that.  Another friend had not been on FB for over 5 days.  I was worried but he is back today.  I guess all is ok.

    Photos today is just a mix of old photos.  And no snow photos this time.  I am sure everyone is tired of them!!  Except me.

    Happy Women's Day!


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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