Saturday, July 2, 2022

02 july, 2022 Wandering

    So far no Covid symptoms.  I am hopeful. 


    What a night we had here last night!  Lots of lightning even with no thunder or rain.  But then we had a real thunderstorm.  I was awake just enjoying it all.  And no gale force winds.  Nice.  We ended up with 3.5 inches of rain!  Wow!!  In a flood warning.  But then today we had humidity that was a killer.  It was 95% most of the day.  Now dropped to 69%.  And no breeze.

    Had a good nap with my fur kids.  Cinder has been here most of the day.  Nice to see her when I go out.

    Evenings are a no fun.  Nico is just a pain.  We eat & then he constantly scratches on my legs wanting something.  He always gets a treat after supper.  I can offer to go out but he just looks at me.  It hurts my leg & he just does not get it.  I try talking nice & sometimes strong.  He just never minds.  (He just quit, jumped on the sofa & curled up.  Maybe he wants me to vacate the corner of the sofa we both like.)

    I have had some really nice people say caring things to me when they read I was exposed to Covid & offering to help if I need anything.  But there are those who have just totally ignored me.  Wonder why?  I am scared inside knowing how awful it can get.  And I have a lot of health problems.  I do not expect anything from anyone but to know that someone cares is nice.  Oh well.  Maybe I am too sensitive.  Or paranoid.

    This is a holiday weekend.  Our national holiday, 4th of July.  I had not planned to attend any celebration.  At least I now have a good excuse.  No fire works in Lindsborg this year.  Some towns around us will have them.  I do not enjoy being out in the heat & bugs.

    Photos tonight are a mix.  I took most of them or edited the couple I did not take.  The photo by a river is a post card of where I work, The Old Mill.  The last photo was the school in Assaria.  It is now part of a company & there is an awesome restaurant in the front of it.  Cool building.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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