Sunday, July 3, 2022

03 july, 2022 Wandering

    Still no Covid symptoms other than last night I got very congested & felt like I was getting a cold.  Gone today.      

    Another hot day with a high of 94F & a miserable humidity of 75%.  One could cut the air outside with a knife.  Awful.  Of course when Nico goes out it is more important for him to lollygag around rather than do his business so I could get back in.  Sigh.......

    Not much going on.  I am desperately lonely.  Missed eating out twice.  Two text messages of people checking on how I am.  I should have asked someone to bring me something to eat rather than tv dinners.  But I hate to bother anyone.  I am sure everyone had things to do.  And last night I heard some fireworks.  One bunch from a get together I used to be invited to.  But without Willie I am not.  And there are at least 2 there who are not fond of me.  But just made me more lonely.

    It is my friend who got Covid that I was checked on me.  We check on each other every day to see how it goes.  She would check even if she did not have it.  Very nice friend.

    The one who usually checks to make sure I am ok has ignored me today.  Think I upset him last night.  I am so good at that.

    Last night I saw a little deer in my north  pasture.  We saw each other & had eye contact.  Later I saw a dog running in my yard.  I opened the door to see it & was surprised it was another little deer.  No dog.  So sweet.  I am sure it was running from fireworks.

    Wish I had turkeys here again.  But they came for the spilled wheat from cleaning the combines.  I miss them.  Every day I hear a quail singing his sad song.  Wish it was cooler so I could enjoy sitting outside.  Not for a long long time.

    I should not have even blogged today as I am in a really bad mood.  I should leave others alone to enjoy the holiday.

    Photos are flowers & 2 cute photos.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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