Wednesday, December 21, 2022

21 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I actually slept good last night with no pain.  And Nico was calmer too.  What a good night. 

    What a list of weather today.  There was snow on my car plus frozen drizzle on my car window.  When I went to work it misted off & on.  There was lots of hoar frost but not in my yard.  I got no photos.  It stayed with heavy clouds all day.  But our temp reached 33F.  Maybe snow in a couple of hours.  No wind yet but it will get here.

    I got fuel before the weather got any worse.  Best to be prepared.  And the price was nice.  I chatted with a lady next to me.  We wished each other Merry Christmas.  No clue who she was but really nice.  Wish I had friend like her.

    Work was the most fun.  One of my coworkers is going to create a book on the Old Mill.  So I spent the day scanning photos for him.  Awesome photos.  And some very old.  There were photos of the 1903 flood with water up to the Old Mill.  And men in a boat in the front of the mill.  Photos of the dam that was by the Mill.  Does not exist today. 

    One old photo was of 2 men working on filling small bags of wheat or flour.  On the wall was a calendar with a nude lady.  For shame!!!  Haha!  I finally got a macro shot of it so I could read where it was from.  From the Hudson Motor Exchange in January 1948 or 1949.  It was fun to try to see it.  Took several macro shots & several camera apps!!

    JR & I ate supper at Jalisco's.  JS had my Christmas gift.  The only one I get.  It had chocolate in it, billfold, & a purse.  They are both lovely.  Tomorrow I switch purses!!  My present billfold is too small.  He has really good taste.  I am missing a gift for both my brother & JS.  I keep hoping they show up.  They will have Christmas next week.

    At Jalisco's we all wished each other Feliz Navidad!  I do not have Happy New Year down yet!  The cook came out to see me.  If he had not I was headed to the kitchen before I left.  They & the fuel lady made day.

    Cinder disappeared last night.  Not here all day.  When I came home from work to take Nico out I saw the black cat on the porch.  I then knew Cinder was near.  I fed him since he had to walk back home.  Came home from supper & she was here.  Wish she would come in.  Hope she will later.

    This mid-afternoon was the Winter Solstice.  I do not want longer days or shorter nights.  I want my winter with snow that we never get anymore.  I always dread summer with the hot, sticky weather that makes me feel ill.

    Christmas photos again tonight.  I am in the last photo.  The Julbock is in Gälve Sweden.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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