Thursday, December 22, 2022

22 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    What a night last night!!!  Not good!!!  I got Cinder in & she was ok for quite a while.  She came to bed with Nico & I.  She snuggled with me.  Kisse was royally upset.  Hissed at us once.  When Nico needed to go out, I let her go also.  She kept looking out the window so I thought maybe she needed to potty.  She walked around & went under the house then came back out.  I got her back in.

    THEN.  She just cried & cried out the windows.  Next time Nico went out she escaped.  His fault.  She refused to get near me.  I fed her a couple of times & she disappeared under the house.

    I got NO sleep.  A couple of hours this morning.  Cinder showed up at noon.  I fed her extra.  Tonight she meowed at the door so I fed her lots again.  And water.  She was in a ways but Nico just cannot go sit down & leave things alone.  She is out.  I guess she knows what to do.  And there is no air leaks under the house.  Just her hole & the wind is not blowing that way.  Our super strong winds are from the NW.

    I tried to take a nap but still too upset.  And worried.  My mind kept running.  Remembering the past.  I cannot even write that sentence without crying.  One soap opera made me cry & a photo from a cousin really got me.  A photo I had never seen.

    Lots of businesses closed today due to the weather.  It was -8F last night.  Warmed up to 7F.  Already -2F.  A bit warmer tomorrow.  Won't matter.

    We had snow last night.  The weather kept saying no snow until 4am.  HA!  It was snowing here around 8pm.  Got maybe 2 inches.  Maybe.  I am sure it won't last for a white Christmas.  Dang.  And they assured us the roads would be fine & no electrical problems.  Well freezing drizzle made very slick roads & 10,000 lost electricity.  Cannot trust them.

    Late last night I texted with a mutual friend of JS & I.  He is really nice.  We discussed lots of important things!  😄  He made my day.  Nice to communicate with someone & not just be alone.

    Had a severe & sad tragedy last night at 930pm.  Two local young men were on interstate driving home.  Rolled off the road in the ditch.  One died right away.  The other is in the hospital.  From the same family.  Just heart breaking.

    I have started manifesting positive things I want in my life.  And not dwell on the negative.  Hope it helps.

    Survived Homebound Day #1.  Two more to go.

    Christmas photos again.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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