Wednesday, April 19, 2023

19 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A good day today.  Slept well without any ill feelings.  Always worry  though.  Up early as it was a work day!  Glad to be there.

    I worried about eating lunch but although I had no appetite, I ate.  No problems.

    Work was good.  I am at the end of the one room school house photos.  Wonder what I do next.  I found 3 extra schools that had no numbers.  Never heard of them.  Interesting.  I enjoy the photos & will miss them.  Did see one teacher's name with the same last name as my grandma.  Looked it up.  They are sisters. Not used to her using her maiden name!  She was around 20 years old.  Never knew her that young.

    JR & I were going to eat Mexican for supper but did not think my tummy would tolerate it.  Went to the Crown & Rye for Swedish pancakes.  They were sooo good but I just could not eat.  Took them home.  Ate maybe one of the 3 I was served.  I thought bedtime snack.  Nope.  They will keep until lunch tomorrow.

    Much calmer wind today.  That 50mph wind yesterday & all night got sooo old.  Cooler weather approaching.  Below freezing in a day or so.  Then rain on monday, tuesday, & wednesday.  Really???  One can dream!

    Photos are all at the Old Mill except the last one is a crown ceiling light where we ate.  The Mill is preparing for a big festival call Millfest!  There will over 500 kids on our property going to areas of learning or fun.  We assign who goes where.  And the groups can request or opt out for areas.  Big job to do all that!!!  And that weekend the mill is turned on.  People can walk through all 3 floors of it to watch.  There is an age limit because of danger.  My father's stepfather worked in there & Dad hauled flour to Topeka KS.  The grounds are looking sooo pretty.  Lots of flowers & more to come.  Even feels festive!!



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...