Thursday, April 20, 2023

20 april, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Today was a great day!  I did not sleep well but it was because of stormy weather with a half inch of rain.  Winds sounded worse here than they were.  I was relieved after taking Nico outside.  Was hoping for more rain, but I will take a half inch anytime.  I dozed before 6am & slept after then.  So I needed a nap.  And for once it was a really restful, calm time.  Nico must have spring fever.  He is so calm.  Very odd.

    There was a tornado NE of us.  No one hurt/died & the town not totally devasted.  That town has a historic court house & it is ok  It is gorgeous!  Want to visit sometime.

    I have been trying to sign up to my propane company's website.  I finally called for help.  And paid my bill over the phone.  THEN I figured out what I was doing wrong & all went well.  I prefer to pay bills online.  Easier.  Paper bills get misplaced.

    Cinder is enjoying the nice temps.  Even the wind does not bother her.  She was out part of the night but came in before the rain.  She would have been ok.  Porch never got wet.  She has been in & out today.

    I had my left over Swedish pancakes for lunch.  Butter & sugar make a big difference.  And bacon & lingonberries.  Very good.  I plan to buy just the pancakes to take home.  Then fix them how my dad & I always ate them.  We ate our pancakes with butter & sugar only.  Must be a regional thing in Sweden.  Not all Swedes eat them that way.  My mom only used butter & syrup.  Sooo wrong! 😊  We teased her!

    A while ago I bought a cooking dish to make pasta in the microwave.  Got brave & tried it.  Perfect.  Five minutes on high & I have pasta.  I need to heat some sauce too or they get too dry.  That was supper today.  I cannot find things that even sound good but these did today.

    Sat out off and on today.  Nico did not even seem to enjoy being out.  Hope he is ok.  His eating is ok but soo relaxed.  Odd.

    I got asked to work at the SVAFC in a few days.  Hope I can.  I really miss being there.

    Photos are old ones I have.  Some I took, some I arranged, some are not mine.  IF my signature is on them, those I took.  Winter one is not mine, but I just love it.  

    The historic fish market hall Feskekôrka is one of the landmarks in the centre of the West Swedish metropolis Gothenburg. The official name Feskekôrka, in the local dialect for Fiskekyrkan (The Fish Church), refers to the architectural similarity with a church.

    On both sides of the approximately 40-metre long fish market hall, the sales counters are lined up with a huge range of freshly caught fish, shellfish and crustaceans as well as prepared dishes and ready-to-eat snacks.

    There is also a restaurant.  I did get to walk through it but late in the day.  They were getting ready to close.  But very cool.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...