Friday, February 16, 2024

02/2024 Fredag the 16th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Do A Grouch A Favor Day

    Another calm day.  I was planning to go to my old Swedish group but we had snow & the road reports I read said slick with cars off the road.  I went back to my cozy bed.  Dang.  I really wanted to go to this meeting.  Great program.
    We got around one inch of snow.  Enough for slick roads.  I got a few photos, but nothing spectacular.  Last night the weatherman said the snow would melt after lunch when our temps would be in the 40s & sunny.  HA.  We stayed in the freezing temps with no sun.  No melting snow.  Cinder went out early in the snow.  Maybe ready to come in now.
    Poor JR.  He had a bad flu, as many in town do.  Got over that mostly but today he has a bad cold.  Not his week at all.  No eating out today.  Not much good to eat here either.  Dang.
    KC shooting update.  One of the 3 arrested has been released.  He saw a gun that was tossed aside, picked it up, & walked away.   The two juveniles are the shooters.  Throw the book at them I hope.  What idiots.
    Not much to say when I have not done much.  Photos today are from a past art show.  All mine.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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