Thursday, February 15, 2024

02/2024 Torsdag the 15th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Singles Awareness Day

Today's Name Day: Sigfrid

    Had a better day.  Gave up using my weighted blanket.  Folded it at the end of the bed & used 2 thin & light blankets.  I slept like a baby!  Not sure why.  It has bothered me for 2 nights in a row.

    It did get cold last night.  The cold front came through.  Today got in the 40s but colder & snow tonight.  Not much snow, of course.

    I found out the hard way that the med I am on for my diabetes that cuts my appetite down is not fooling.  If you eat too much you will get ill.  I almost did.  Really did not eat much, so I thought.  But did not last long.  Had a nice nap.  Cinder hit the road early today.  Came in now & quickly back out.

    Cinder surprised me last night.  She came in & ate just a bit.  Then she started begging to go back out,  It was almost bedtime so I ignored.  She was going nuts.  So I finally let her out.  Checked on her in just a few minutes & she was at the door.  Had she decided to potty outside if possible??  I guess that is ok.

    More on the KC shooting.  Three arrested & 2 are juveniles.  And the focus of the news is how to be safe in crowds, etc.  Should be why do we not get guns off the streets for a start.  Oh, but it is never the right time.  Not the right time for polititians to lose their income from the gun lobbies.  Criminal.

    I needed to carry trash out today but no "spoons".  Tomorrow?  Probably saturday.  I need a new lightbulb in my hallway.  I might get that done.  Not too difficult.  Except I am short & and have a fear of heights.  I will try with my ladder.

    No major communication today with anyone.  Oh well.  People are busy.  I am used to being along.

    Photos today are black & white.  I like B&W photos.  So does JR.  More alike than I would imagine!!!  He is having a showing of his photos next year.  All will be B&W.  Exciting times!  None of these are mine.  I edited them on how the colors look.  And one was colored but I like it better as I did it.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...