Wednesday, February 21, 2024

02/2024 Onsdag the 21st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Sticky Bun Day

Today's Name Day: Hilding

    Had an OK day except for no sleep last night.  Awake until 5am.  But I slept the entire day before.  No surprise.  I stayed awake today.  I had computer stuff to do.  A little bit of a struggle.  OK now.

    I heard from a good friend who made my day!  He is so sick & yet he thinks of me.  Hard to see him so sick.  Just mentioned I wanted to see him but had some health issues also.  He wanted to know & told me next time to talk to them.  Let them know.  Better than some family I have.

    Too damn warm today & worse is coming.  I am getting in my "I hate summer" mood.  God, I hate summer ---- super hot, super humidity, tons of bugs.  But a guy I follow on Instagram has tons of hints how to get rid of bugs outside & inside.  Saving them all.  I will soon be spreading stuff around my yard.  Hope it works.

    It was 34F last night.  Much cooler than I thought.  But today it was 68F.  And in a few days almost 80F.  Awful.  But there can be still cold weather here for a while.  I hope.

    Still eating ok.  I do not eat much.  Maybe I need to eat at home more & quit eating out.  Too much food & I get ill easy with the shot I am on.  Waste of money to buy food I cannot eat.  Oh well.  My problem.  Will see.

    Next week I most likely will not work on my usual day.  My coworkers are going to a meeting.  So I can go with or pick another day to work.  Not sure what I will do.  Have to see if I have any appointments.  Want to see my friend at home.  He has chemo every 2 weeks.  My life has got to get better.  Tired of the crap that has gone on to affect me.  I am sooo tired.  One great day out of 14 or 15 sucks.  What am I doing wrong.

    I really need to perk up & start to carry out some trash.  Two sacks lift inside.  There is other stuff to gather.  Need energy.  Where oh where is Willie when I need him?  I say that to him often.  He has been in my dreams more often lately.  Even Mom & Dad were in one.  They were taking a cruise on a huge ship!!  Lucky them.  I should be so lucky.  No fun for me.

    Photos are all ones I have taken.  Too lazy to sign them.  All snowy photos.  There is one collage of Willie & his last dog, Jo.  Oh how he loved her.  Sad when she died.  Couple of town photos in a collage of 3 photos.  Many are taken on my farm.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...