Tuesday, February 20, 2024

02/2024 Tisdag the 20th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Comfy Day

(Did not plan to celebrate it but I did all day!)

Today's Name Day: Vivianne

    Again.  Today is not a good day.  Why me??? 

    I woke up at 8am.  Had a great night's sleep with Cinder snuggling most of the night.  As soon as I was awake I felt queasy.  That increased.  And from that moment I was sick all day.  I threw up often until around 5pm.  Not a fun day.  I kept track of my blood sugar.  It was really low around noon but by supper it was more normal..  And I got up without throwing up.  I had some Pepsi & 2 crackers.  So far ok.  Maybe I should wear a mask all the time.  But a friend who does still got sick last week.  Lots of flu & colds here.  I seem to be a magnet for bad luck.

    Got really warm today.  Saw 72F.  Way too hot for now.  I stuck my head outside around supper time.  Felt nice.  Same weather all week.  Tiny chance of rain tomorrow.

    Poor cats.  I never got out of bed until supper.  I think they found food in an open cat food container.  Both had food left out over night.  Cinder went out right away.  Kisse never left my side all day.  Laid in her chair next to my bed.  And is still near me, snuggled up.  Nice that someone cares.  There are those who sort of ignored me today also.

    I am caught up on 2 days of soaps.  Good.  Trash was picked up today.  Very good.  I can relax for a day or two.  Watching Graham Norton.  Interesting.  Nice to hear humour from across the pond.  Next is my Spanish lesson.  It is in an easy phase now.  Sure that won't last.  Never does.

    Photos all relate to travel.  I took the one of a hippie bus.  It was actually in my town one sunday.  Very cool.  People did not look like hippies.  The big train is called Big Boy #4014.  Seen it twice.  It is huge.  If you stand close as it goes by you the earth truly moves.  Did not come near here last year.  Maybe this year??  This is not my photo though.  Have to look mine up to share.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...