Saturday, March 23, 2024

03/2024 Lördag the 23th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Våffeldagen 2024

This is a Swedish holiday that Lindsborg has adopted as its own.  Some of it is fun, but some is just stupid.  Those things I would not enjoy.  Lots of food involved that looked good.  A couple of things I would have participated in if I was not in bad pain today.

Today's Name Day: Gerd, Gerda

    I slept good last night even with pain.  Pain is caused by the change in weather today & tomorrow.  Hoping monday is better,

    I am still coughing.  Tickle in my throat, with some sneezing & an awful cough.

     I talked to one of my bosses from the SVAFC. And I apologized for being sick the last time I worked.  And I told her I was sick for 2 solid weeks.   She knew a couple of others who were sick for 2 weeks also.  I am still not normal.  Better but not normal.  I need to try harder.  I try to take my meds but they make me feel sick.

    I scheduled 2 doctor appointments but cancelled them both.  Was not my gallbladder.  Need some major dental work will do that then worry about my gallbladder.

     I got a surprise phone call this afternoon.  One I needed soooo much.  A family member.  I think we talked for over 2 hours.  We have many of the same health problems.  I mostly have no one to turn to for support, etc.  I think we helped each other.  I had no idea she had some new health stuff & new family stuff.  And she was clueless with new stuff with me.

    And we talked over some great family memories.  I both laughed & cried.  One Willie memory I could barely talk.  When someone special to him came to say goodbye to him in the hospital.  What a great memory.  Tears now writing about it.  Hard to imagine that people he was friends with for 40 years have never once talked to me since he died or asked how I am doing.  A couple of husbands do if I see them but their wives always made fun of me & I am sure they still do.  Hard to imagine.

    We shared great memories of our aunts & uncles.  Some really fine people.  They liked her a lot.  Me not so much.  Wish I knew what is wrong with me.  I rarely feel at home or at peace in the town of my birth.  Not everyone can brag that they have offended an entire town, church, clubs, & more.  But even though we still had some matching good memories.  She is one of the rare family members who likes me & keeps in touch.  If I could just drive out of town to another state we could spend time together.  If only........  But it is just me.  I hate to bother anyone.  Others have lives, families, jobs, & more.  Or they don't drive.  My wants & needs are not important.

    Talked over many memories about the city & state she lives in.  I truly miss being there.

    Yesterday I had my AC completely gone through.  Really nice guy was out who was very thorough.  And even chatted with me for a bit.  Not used to chatting often.

    Last night JR & I had supper at Jalisco's then we went back to my car for a jazz walk that never happened.  Too cold.  But the band gave a concert in the Sundstrom building.  It was an incredible experience.  Very glad I was there.  Wish they performed here more often.  I would be there for sure.

    I took many photos at the concert.  I worked all afternoon on them.  They are not as bad as I thought they would be.

    Very sad today.  Got some really bad family news.  Dang.  Just hard to imagine.  No way I can help.  Just good thoughts to send.

    FINALLY there is something on the telly that I can enjoy.  Ice skating.  Fun to watch.

    I got a new purse & Kisse is just determined to lay on it.  And I got distracted & so there she is.  Scared she will tear it.

    Photos today are from last night.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...