Thursday, November 21, 2024

11/2024 Tosdag the 21th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Gingerbread Cookie Day 2024

Today's Name Day: Helga, Olga

    Today was an ok day to start with.  I had an early afternoon appointment that I decided to cancel & reschedule.  As someone with an incurable disease we are preached to take care of ourselves.  Sometimes no else will notice us or help.  I had planned too much so I canceled one thing to make me feel better.  And apologised profusely to the other guy.

    I had a meeting with my financial advisor.  In this time I have been worried about what can happen & who or what can hurt me. Not just physically.  I have no backup support group if I need.  Mostly just me.  In a horrific disaster my nephew.  Certainly no kids or cousins or aunts/uncles.  Sad times.  No one who can help me find somewhere else to live or fix where I am living.

     My advisor ---- MS ---- is the best.  He brings joy to my heart.  He assured me I was in a safe place & can say what I want.  And no one or nothing can hurt me there.  Me & my finances are safe.  Good to know.  We had a great visit although I talk to much.  Probably from a lack of seeing people.

     From there I stopped at my liquor store.  I got 2 bottles of flavored rum & a bottle of sweet white wine.  I mixed some raspberry rum in my pepsi for supper.  Very good.  Great choice.

    Next stop was Arby's for supper food ---- beef sandwich & apple turnover.  I shared some of my beef with Cinder.  Quite a treat for her & she loved it.  I am a good mom to her.

    I have to search for a top to wear tomorrow where I can easily get 2 shots at AuBurn.  Then in 2 weeks I will get a third one.  Hope they help keep me safe this winter.

     I was nervous & anxious most of the day but after my financail meeting I feel exactly like this picture describes.  Exactly!!!!  Nice to feel good!!!

    Evening has gone well. Next is spanish lesson.
    Weather stayed cool but sunny.  I never saw higher tha 49.  Warmer near the weekend then cool again.  Next wednesday & thursday morning might be snow.  Might do our Thanksgiving in.  Plus I am NOT driving in the dark at night.  I will sit home alone if I have to.  I MUST take care of me & my health.  Driving at night makes me really nervous.  And no one to drive me anywhere.  Where oh where is 
José ????
    Photos today were all taken in Salina on Santa Fe downtown.  Something different for all to see.

Financial office building.  Beautiful inside.

 Stiefel Theater.  Used to be a Fox theater for just movies.  Now it has concerts.

Check the bird in the sky.  Never saw it until I was home & working on my photos.  Cool.

Santa Fe traffic.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...