Thursday, November 21, 2024

11/2024 Onsdag the 20th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


No special day that is worth sharing,  Sad.  Will just pick a cool photo or two from Järvsö church where I attended church & toured it,  Beautiful.

Today'a Name Day: Marina, Pontus

    What a day!!!!!  Mostly great but ended beyond frustrating!!!!

    Had lunch with LL at the White Peacock.  I had my fave muffin & a Sprite instead of tea.  Then off to work.

    It was great to see everyone, even our cleaning lady!!!  And to work on my photos,  Such a large pile.  Doubt I get done with them this week.  Lots of good conversation,  AP was in a good mood & joked around,

    JR & I had a Mexican supper.  I forgot about a burrito I really like & had it,  When I got there MA handed me a card that someone left there for me.  I was so surprised!!  It was a gift certificate from a really special friend. I had to work at not crying.  He made not only my day but most likely my month.  Now I have tears. 

    We had ice cream for dessert at Indigo Moo'd.  They advertised Old Mill Mint & Peppermint & both were gone.  I might put in an order of Old Mill Mint to take home.  I ended up having the Lingongberry Swirl.  It was really good.  Lots of fruit & the juice made little pieces ice.  Will get it again,

    Got home and all was ok,  For a short while.  Watching tv when suddenly the tv/dvr froze,  The remote refused to work.  I pushed a button on my dvr that did not hurt anything but did me no good.  I turned the electricty off at least twice.  Did  NOTHING helped.  I pushed a button " find remote".  That just made the remote beep. And would not quit.   Just what I needed.  I finally took a battery out of the remote & I got peace.  And then it suddenly worked & the tv/dvr did also.  So I am beyond late with everything,  Did my spanish lesson.  I was so upset I had major brain fog,  I was supposed to do a second lesson to move on,  I refused.  And I don't care.  Too stressed & tired,  Grrrrr.

    It stayed cool over night & all day today,  I sleep better when it is cool,

    My photos I took today at the Peacock & at least one at Jalisco's.  At least I had those ready to use.


The city or a city group created these several years ago & Jalisco's still uses them & they look great,  The words are Swedish for Merry Christmas.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...