Thursday, April 2, 2020

Quarantine Day 18

Yesterday was a good day that carried over after midnight.  Around 2am a good friend in Morocco video chatted with me. What a nice way to end the day! It helps to have contact with others. Keeps me going!

Today was pretty quiet. More wind. Does it never end?? Stayed sort of cloudy. Then late this afternoon the temp started dropping. We are in an ice warning. Ice?? There is snow too but not sure it will snow here. Then warm again.

Took the trash out. Both bins had blown over. My nephew drove through so we chatted a bit. I almost froze!!

I got a thermometer and have been checking my temps. It stays about the same. After supper tonight I did not feel normal and felt warm. Almost like I am getting a cold. My temp jumped to 99F. Scared me with awful visions. I waited a while and rechecked. Back to my normal. Grabbed my Thieves essential oil and will use it every 2 hours. Hope it stops whatever is going on. Hopefully just a cold or nothing. Maybe just the excitement of having a donut!

Ate really good tonight. Had Schwan's Baked Ziti. One of my faves. And a donut. (Note to self: do not order donuts again)

Pictures to day are of some art I own. Local artists.

One more job today. Empty the kitty litter. I live for this. Ha.


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