Friday, April 3, 2020

Quarantine Day 19

Still a quiet day. I cancelled going to town because of the weather. We got mist, freezing sleet, and then nothing. Could have went to town. Sigh.

I slept not one whit last night. Around 8am I finally fell asleep. My Swedish group was to call each other this morning. I turned my phone off. I figured I would not get any calls anyway. But I got 3 calls. Pleasant surprise.

My grandson put many photos of his son on Instagram. What a cutie. As soon as this crap is over, I am headed to see them.

My fur kids! Kisse has learned to sort of hide from Nico. Then she sits and waits for him to be looking for her. And she jumps on him or takes off running. He has not figured it out yet. Sometimes their eyes lock on opposites side of the living room. Then they freeze, tense up, and jump at each other. Such is me my life.

Last night my temperature jumped up a couple of degrees. Then was ok. Had an earache during the night. Ok today. I am so paranoid.

There are several little birds flying around my porch. Maybe going to build a nest? Ok with me! Willie would have knocked down any nest. I like to watch.

Flowers in the first photo are 4 years old. The wine cooler was for supper.


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