Saturday, April 4, 2020

Quarantine Day 20

Had a pretty good day. Plus I slept really good last night. But still very tired this afternoon. Partly from the pill I took to sleep and partly from my autoimmune diseases. Then a part of my gum where there is no tooth feels like I have chewed something tough. It is sore, making my jaw sore and my ear ache. It will improve but do not need this now.

I went to Lindsborg and stopped to see my best friend. Had some hand sanitizer for him. He was working and doing a great job. He is so hard working. I am proud of him. Good to see him. No hug so we did an elbow bump!

Speaking of hugs, one needs about 12 hugs a day to survive. I am years behind in hugs. When things were normal, I got an occasional hug several times a week, I felt so much better. Now I get none. Makes a difference how I feel inside.

My brother and I had pizza for lunch. Parked behind the bandshell in the park and ate in the car. Cannot sit at the picnic tables in the park. Sad. Too chilly anyway.

The pizza must have been extra salty today. I cannot drink enough. It is awful!

I was looking at some old photos this evening. Some photos were of my youngest grandkids. I miss seeing them but I am not allowed. At my doctor's order, I have had to set boundaries to be safe, emotionally or physically. I have offered to meet them anywhere in public but no answer from either of my kids. I did what I needed to do legally and then I was attacked for that. So I am punished. I have adjusted and never show how I feel inside and rarely admit how I feel. I know all too well life is unfair. And it rarely changes.

There were also photos of life with Willie and our dog. They always make me sad. Some good memories, some not. I miss him. I miss our dog. She was so sweet and loved Willie and riding in her truck! She lived for truck rides. Nico also loved Willie. It took Nico around 2 weeks to adjust that he was not coming home. Sad times.

Weather is fickle. Too warm. Too cold. I already hate summer. A fly woke me from my nap today. Does not bode well. Needed more very cold weather. Warm tomorrow. Warmer monday.

I felt sorry for all the sports fans losing all sports to watch. NOW I know how they feel. My soap operas ended last thursday. Now only reruns. I am not happy. I often wonder if life will ever be "normal". I get tired of being alone and not able to enjoy my life like before.

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