Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine Day 21

Can you believe it? I have been mostly at home for 21 days? Seems like a couple of years. How much longer? I truly need to at least hear and see people, but no here. No one but just me. Sigh....

My jaw/ear really hurt last night. Hard to go to sleep. And my RA hurt worse than usual. Once I got to sleep I slept ok.

I cancelled today. Hurting too much. I do feel better late afternoon. I was very careful what I ate today. Did not  want to aggravate my jaw.

Kisse was extra loving during the night. She begged to be petted and then curled up on me to sleep for a while. She maybe senses I need some extra attention. Good for her.

Had a death this weekend of someone I am sort of related to. Makes me so sad. She was such a nice lady.  Peace to her.

A friend who has never been interested in techy things now has a smartphone! How fun. We actually get to "talk" online now! Tonight he shared some photos with me.

I was clueless it was Palm Sunday. One day here is like the one before. And before that. When I sang in the Messiah Chorus I always knew. Miss those days. I don't even try anymore. I quit after my knee surgery. I never added much to it but really enjoyed it.

Today there was a huge crash at the intersection of Kitchen and Living Room. Kids running one way and I --- high on donuts --- ran into them! I suffered a scratch on my leg. The kids were ok except poor Kisse was scared to death I was attacking her and ran to the bedroom to hide. No charges have been filed yet. (-:

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