Tuesday, July 26, 2022

26 july, 2022 Wandering

    A nice day of pleasant weather.  Never got to 90F.  Love it!  We even had a light shower during the night sometime.  It did not amount to much.  Some rain north of here now.  And some severe weather around Stratton Colorado.  Coming this way?  Weather just said that rains are increasing in coverage & in amounts later this week.  Good.  💦💧

    Today is a bittersweet day for me.  Willie & I were married 56 years ago in Minneapolis KS.  The entire time he was alive the only ones who remembered us was my mom & my 2 aunts in Denver & one cousin from Denver.  Of course he & they are gone so it is totally forgotten.  Our kids never remembered or cared.  I am fine today for some reason.  But I cried too much on saturday & sunday.  So many memories.  Never had a wedding or reception.  We eloped.  Mom promised a reception but it never happened.


    I have had trouble with my wifi going off line.  The power strip is very old so I replaced it today.  Hope that helps.

    I have some cookies I order sometimes from Amazon.  I had a notice that they were not selling them anymore.  My faves!!  😱  But I just ordered them again so whatever was stopping them must have been solved.  Good.  😍

    I will be so glad when our Aug. 2 election is over.  I get so tired of one group whose commercials are lies.  Should not be allowed.  If people would just do some reading on their own they could learn a lot.  But they just eat it up.  Sad.

    I am about ready to start wearing a mask again.  I have had 3 friends who just had Covid.  Or 3 that I know of, could be more.  And I was exposed to it & had to quarantine.  Dang.  And that stupid monkey pox.  What next?

    Nico is pacing.  We are late for when HE thinks supper should be.  We live on his schedules.

     Photos today are of the prairie near where I live.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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