Tuesday, September 27, 2022

27 september, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    A quiet & calm day.  Nothing exciting today.  Sleep was a challenge for a while then I slept well.  I rested this afternoon with Nico who napped.  I read.  But I laid in the wrong position & my hip was in too much pain when I got up.  Made it to the bathroom & slathered on some ointment.  Found one called Amish Origins.  It is very good.  In 30 minutes or so I was fine.

    My nephew was supposed to come & look at my back door but he never made it.  With farming something can always come up.  No problem.  My door is going no where.  My door has no outside door knob & I cannot open it.  Scared to try to hard.  Scared it will not close again!

    Great weather.  Our low was 60F & the high was 84F.  Great for sleeping.  Not much change in the next 1-2 weeks.  Basically no chance of rain.  One lake near Wichita is catching all the fish they can to relocate them somewhere where they can survive.  And people can fish with no limits of amount or size.  They have done this before.

    I had planned on eating supper somewhere special tonight but cancelled this morning in case KN was here late.  Good call on my part.  Will try again next week.

    Nico was a brat this afternoon.  He got into something & then bit me when I tried to take it away.  Now he wants me to move so he can lay where I am sitting on the sofa.  Ha.  Nope.  You bit me so you can wait.

    I looked up where my relatives live in Florida.  Yikes!!  I hope they have left for safety.  On the west side where it is supposed to hit.  I am worried.  I hope everyone is safe.  Scary for those who have no way to leave.  They showed what 9 feet of water looks like.  No one can survive that.  Cars & houses will all float away.  Just awful.  It was a weatherman with a video demonstration.

    TV sucks tonight.  Watching some taped things until Colbert is on.  The usual networks are just too boring for me.  Same old crap.  I watch one show that I like.  The others are all just like each other.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...