Wednesday, March 27, 2024

03/2024 Onsdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Little Red Wagon Day

I do not think I had a wagon as a child.  If I did it was a smaller version.

Today's Name Day: Ralf, Rudolph

    I cancelled my day today.  I was fine but had things I needed to do.  So I moved work, etc. from today to thursday.  I could not find my family doctor appointment.  I thought it was in May.  I was really wrong,  Glad I called.  I see him middle of April.  He does all my lab work.  My diabetic doctor uses that lab work.  That way I am only stuck once & charged only once.  I had to move that doctor's appointment to around 2 weeks after lab.

    I also had some bills to pay.  I had 2 visits for my AC & one for a delivery of a tank of propane.  Got both taken care of.  Yikes!!! 😱

    Both cats were near during nap time but they were hiding.  It is our quiet time.

    Talked with a good friend & hopefully we will spend some time together this week.  I really. miss seeing him.  But we text often.

    We got super cold last night.  I saw 14F.  Then this afternoon I saw 58F.  Getting warmer all week, especially on Easter.  I never celebrate Easter anymore.  Used to sing in a choir at a concert on Easter.  But I cannot stand for long periods of time plus I would just cry trying to sing.  Life moves on whether we like it or not.  I won't try to attend any rehersals.  Too emotional.  Mom sang for around 62 years.  What an honour for her & for us.

    Yesterday & today as I sit on my sofa I can see out my living room window.  All the little calves have grown & are now running & chasing around the pasture.  What a joy to be able to see.  Maybe on a warm day soon I should sit outside so I can see them better.

    Photos today are from a road trip with LL to Yoder KS.  It is an Amish town & restaurant.  With food to die for.  They sell lots of food to go --- bread, cinnamon rolls, & more.  Will buy a couple of cinnamon rolls next time.  They are huge!!! Need to go back.  We went for lunch then visited a farm to buy some art for the Old Mill gift shop.  Need to plan a road trip.  The Amish do not drive cars other than farm equipment.  Very conservative,  I did not take photos at the farm we visited.  I was not sure it was proper & allowed.  It was a lovely farm.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...