Thursday, March 28, 2024

03/2024 Torsdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Black Forest Cake Day 

Today's Name Day: Malkom, Morgon

    Pretty good day other than I was so sleepy.  Managed a short nap after supper when I got home.  But the wind came up & blew the screen door open & woke th cats up.

    I worked this afternoon.  Still working on photos of the Swedish Pavilion.  The last book then new photos!!  They showed me a great photo that will be posted tomorrow so I cannot post it first.  Also got to take photos of a historic old clock.  Just beautiful.  Cannot post those either.  Later I can.

    One photo in my book was taken in the mid 1960s.  The Pavilion was just moved into our old town area & connected all 3 pieces of it together.  Totally different look than now.  Wide open space!!  This photo was such a bad photo.  Bad.  I ran it through at least 2 apps on my phone & I finally got it so you can see trees & houses, etc.  It created lots of interest.  Fun!!  Love when that happens!

    JR & I had supper at Jalisco's.  They were busy.  Had dessert there & then saw the ice cream store was open.  Dang.  Too late.

    Photos today are a mix.  I will explain some or most of them.


Great memories!  Me with great friend Danny & my best friend Peter.  Boy did we have fun!!!  Not seen Danny in years.  Peter died a few years ago.

Mom sipping on my martini at Ya Ya's in Wichita.  Awesome memory!

Tiny flowers growing on a rock at the Old Mill.

Nico & one of our cows in a Mexican standoff.  They really glared!  Glad Nico was on a leash!

Treasures from the Old Mill.  Outer photos are a very old curling iron. The center photos are a small little metal "purse" that women carried their calling cards in. When they visited friends homes there was a bowl in the hall where one would leave your calling card.

Lindsborg Main Street.  The gray car was mine at the time.

Arty window.

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...