Friday, March 29, 2024

03/2024 Fredag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

Today's Name Day: Jens, Jonas

    I did not have the best sleep last night.  I was either too hot or too cold.  Eventually I just turned it all off, cooled down, & pulled my covers back on.  Then slept ok.  Even managed a short afternoon nap.  Too warm today.  In the 70s.  Do not like it.

    Invited to supper at my friend AA's house.  His mom made bacon arepas for us.  They are awesome.  He is from Argentina originally.  He was an awesome soccer player for our college.  So he looked to see if there was soccer on the TV.  There was!!  It was so much fun to watch with him & to hear what he thought should happen, what should not happen, & more.  And he predicted which team would win.  And he was right.  When he was captain of out college soccer team & the team came out of the field,  he always came to say hello to me.  I was good friends another player & we always said goodbye to each other after the match.  They both rented rooms with a great friend so I got to be friends with them.  And still friends.  I am so lucky.  I had a great evening!!!

    Got home & Cinder met me in my car near where my drive joined my yard,  She was excited to see me.

    Great art show at the SVAFC that ends this weekend.  JR & I are going tomorrow so we can see it & I can take photos of it.  It is carvings of friend of mine.  Love his work.  Will be awesome!!!

    Severe scary weather forecast for monday.  Doubtful we get rain here but wind & hail is possible.  Rain avoids us.

    I am in a black & white mood today.  So my photos are all black & white.



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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...