Saturday, March 30, 2024

03/2024 Söndag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


 National I am in Control Day

(or I think I am!!)

Today's Name Day: Holger, Holmfrid

    Today was ok.  Tired of feeling sickly.  Another cold front coming.  I can feel it.  Sore feet, sore hip, sore shoulders, sore hands. You would think I would get used to it at some point.  Hahaha!  Even my stomache is not behaving.  Not felt good since I had that awful  flu for 2 weeks

    I slept good last night.  Finally.  Not too hot & not too cold.  Hope tonight is good too,

    JR & I went to the SVAFC.  Last weekend for this months show.  I had worked it so I had seen it but had a great talk with one of the bosses.  I don't see her often enough,  Fun,.

    Supper was at Pizza Hut.  I had pasta & garlic bread.  But dessert was at Indigo Moo'd.  Love their ice cream.  Soo good!!  Stomach behaved tonight.

    Finally something good on tv ---- SNL.  Sort of a weird show though.  Tired of sports.  Hopefully next week is better.

    Tomorrow is Easter.  I get to spend part of the day with my grandson & great grandsons.  Looking forward to it.  I cannot spend the entire day with them,  My stomache is just not healthy enough to eat that much food.  I try to be so careful.  Hope I improve without surgery.  And I am tired all the time.

    I miss doing the usual things I always used to do on Easter.  I know life goes on but I still miss it.

    When JR & I left Indigo Moo'd a family was walking in.  I recognized them.  Nice people.  But tonight the husband reminded me of Willie.  He really looked liked him tonight.  All Falun farmers tend to resemble each other.  But tonight it truly hit me how much they look like each other.  I think the holiday weekend, a sick friend, too many old photos on FB memories of times when we got to see our grandkids.  Not allowed to be part of their lives for several years.  It all hit me hard tonight.  I sobbed all they way driving home.  I try to ignore all I am missing but here I sit all alone..  I have new family that are 100% better than the old hateful ones who scare me..  But I still miss what I don't have.  Dang.

    Photos tonight are Easter themed pictures.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...