Wednesday, August 31, 2022

30 august, 2022 Wandering

    Had a good night & good day.  Slept good with little pain.  Weather was humid this morning but got better.  Temps were 60F & 94F.  Sick of the high temps.

    Today was a work day.  It went fast & I only made 2 small errors.  And I learned how to do something new.  I finally finished one school with dozens of photos.  The school I am working on has a unique name.  The school is called Grasshopper.  Hmmm.  And quite a few photos also.

    They are replacing the boards on the scale house floor that is outside.  The old ones are really worn.  JR wanted photos so after I picked him up we drove over & he took some photos.  Have to keep watch to let him know when they get further along.  There is brick work that needs to be done sometime too.

    Supper with JR & PM at Jalisco's.  They got really busy.  Not busy enough we had to leave but close!  I was quiet.  Guess not much to say.  I noticed CT was quiet also.  Maybe the weather change.

    Local weather has forecast rain in the next 2-3 days.  Not one weather app agrees.  I will just assume we will get nothing.  Nothing new there.

    Just out with Nico.  No deer.  They are always near us drinking at our pond in our south pond.  It is so nice out I wanted to stay but there was a regiment of mosquitos out there so I hurried in.  Hope none followed me.  Or bit me before I came in.

    I failed to mention how sorry I am to hear that Gorbachev had passed away.  He spent several times in Lindsborg because of our chess school.  He loved our town & felt safe.  He skipped a meeting to walk to the park & around the college.  He gave a program that was interesting.  After it he went to our local bar where he had a vodka & cranberry juice.  They called it a Gorbatini.  Very good.  No one told him our vodka was Swedish & not Russian!  A great man.

    Photos are mostly of the outside of the Old Mill & a couple of flower ones.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

30 august, 2022 Wandering

    I had a great day!  Slept good & a short nap.  Weather was super humid early today.  Better now.  Our temps were 67F & 88F.  No rain near.  Maybe rain in the next couple of days.  And weatherwise, summer ends tomorrow! Yay!!

    I met a good friend, TN, at the White Peacock.  He needed some advice about my FB group Lindsborg Now.  I had tea & we had good conversation.  Must do this more often.  I have asked the spirits/angels for a friend.  I hope he is it.  Still want a lady friend for girly talk, etc.  It was a fun afternoon that we will repeat.

    We did talk about a mutual friend who now refuses to have anything to do with me.  I was scared to tell him as I feel totally guilty.  He made me feel good & to quit with the guilt.  I cannot say anymore but I have his support.  Very nice.  I have learned that explaining, apologising, & more does not matter to some people.  So I feel OK with how things ended.  Sad but I was where I do not belong.  Never did.  Never will.

    I wanted to take home supper. Where we were closes at 6pm.  I asked around 530pm for a sandwich.  They refused as the kitchen closes at 5pm.  Wish there was a sign saying that.  And I am sure that putting some ham, mayo & bread together would have made them close super late.  I was not pleased.  At all.  Next time order early.  Grrrrr.

    Cinder came home around 330pm.  And still here now.  Good.  And no black cat.

    Photos are just a jumble of things.  Nothing special.



Monday, August 29, 2022

29 august, 2022 Wandering

    I slept good.  Lucky.  I had a busy day planned.

    I started out going to Lindsborg to get some insurance papers.   Then to Salina to the UPS store.  I knew where it was but it was not there.  They have moved.  OnStar got me there.  Then to the courthouse to renew my car tag.  Never a cheap affair.

    After Willie died I spent a lot of time in the tag office.  Sold many things & had to have paperwork for it all.  At that time there were 2 ladies working there who remembered Willie.  Everyone loved him where ever he went.  Today I got a lady and when I sat down she asked if I was his wife.  She remembered us.  She said they always enjoyed him & he was very ornery.  Nice to talk to someone who liked & remembered him & who also liked me.  Most of his friends did not like me.  I was too different.  Probably worthless in the opinion.  Not a go out & plow the back 80 wife.  Not one has ever reached out to me since he has been gone.  Fine with me.

    Then on the way home I stopped at KFC for chicken.  It is soooo difficult to drive home smelling chicken in the car.  We had a good supper here.

    Kind of in a blah mood tonight.  Needed to bring trash out & I did not.  Too hot for me.  It will keep.  Not like I have a tribe of friends/family to offer help.  When I feel better I will take it out.

    I was so surprised that I walked into the courthouse & stood in line with little pain.  And walked back to the car easily.  Pretty rare.  Nice for a change.

    Too hot today.  Last night was 72F & today was 94F.  And with high humidity.  There was rain west of us but gone now.  We got nada.  As usual.  I am ready for autumn.

    Photos are a mix.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

28 august, 2022 Wandering

    Today was ok.  I slept pretty good & with little pain.  Always nice. 

    Weather was ok  At least a good breeze.  Got down to 66F & our high was 95F.  Too warm.  I sat out with Nico a little bit.  He likes the sun.  I hate the heat.

    JR & I ate lunch at Jalisco's.  They were slow to start. Then later they got super busy.  We left when we realised people were waiting.  We were done & did not matter.

    I took a short nap.  I was tired & did not get to sleep until late.

    Nothing important today.  Kind of boring.

    Photos today are just sunflowers.  I did not take them all.



Saturday, August 27, 2022

27 august, 2022 Wandering

    Last night was a 1000% better!!!  I went to sleep early & went back to sleep after having Nico outside.  And less pain.  It was welcomed.  Today my allergies are much worse.  No fun.

    My cousin, ND, has been around here taking care of her granddaughter. Today she left for home & stopped for lunch with JR & I.  We met at Jalisco's.  Not busy today.  Wonder what changes from day to day.  Interesting.  It was fun to see her & visit.  I miss Denver & want to go back.

    After she left for home, I went to the Red Barn to see my artist friend, RG.  He goes home tomorrow.  We had a nice visit.  And I got to see the work he has done while here.  I am lucky to have several of his works.  He sent me one after Willie died.  It was of a strong woman & he says I am a strong woman.  I have no choice anymore.

    There was rain west of us all night.  Moved so slow.  Never got here.  I checked before ND left & it had grown.  I got home & it was wet here but none in town.  I laid down to rest & heard a shower then.  Now there is rain headed here.  A surprise.  See if we get something.  It was warmer last night at 73F.  Our high was 86F.  When the clouds & rain came to my house the temp dropped to 69F.  No wonder I felt cold!!  I sat out with Nico a bit ago.  It is 74F out now.  Feels chilly & wonderful!!  If it could just last!!

    The squirrels have started harvesting acorns off my tree.  We have quite a few on it considering our weather.  They have a routine they go through.  They pick one in the tree & chew the shell off.  Then they run across my roof to the other side of the house & run down a tree there.  They bury the seed near that tree.  Then later in the day the dig up all the acorns they can find to rebury further away from my house.  Busy little guys!!

    Cinder here most of the day & so was the black cat.  I gave her food but he most likely hogged it all.  Will try again later & sit out while she eats.

    When I left Jalisco's CT & I went through our routine of saying goodbye & him asking when I would return.  I told him tomorrow!!  He was all excited!!  Three days in a row!!  Nice someone is excited to see me!!!

    Photos are from today.  Art & clouds.



003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...