Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Changable Tuesday

Even though I slept better, I am still exhausted today. It is hard to understand. After my first cold over the holidays I got extreme fatigue. And still with me. Many people close to me try to understand but there are several who refuse to either understand or even mention it. Sort of the mindset of "If I don't know, it is not happening". That rampantly runs through our family.

I had a lunch planned today. I was anxious to go and be with fun friends and do some planning for a class reunion. But I just could not function. And stayed in bed. And this afternoon I have a sore throat. No bueno!!

Been working on photos and sorting them. A little behind. What a mess!!

The wind mostly quit overnight. I thought it was supposed to be windy here today but so nice and calm. And warm enough Nico is outside. Good for both of us.

The weathermen are trying to convince us there is rain coming this weekend. Ha. I think they add it to keep people from rioting. I will believe it when I see it.

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