Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 219......

  Had a great busy day. Slept well. For a change. Hope this lasts.

Saw my therapist this afternoon. And she had a surprise! A sweet puppy named Ky. We bonded!! He is adorable. And made the appointment better. Especially since we talked about forgiveness and moving on. No fun talking about how badly 2 people hurt me and almost destroyed me and apparently do not care. I cannot understand what they did. Forgive, maybe. Forget, never. Have them back in my life, doubtful.

Before therapy I managed to go to Dollar General and Auburn. I hobbled and limped but made it.

After therapy I took myself to the White Peacock for ice cream and a mulled apple cider. The best!! Nice to sit in peace and relax. I saw one friend there. Nice to see her. We both went to my Swedish group.

Hard for me to return to Swedish group. I do not feel like I belong. Actually I never did. And if I do not sleep hard to go when exhausted. I want to return and maybe in time.

The weather is changing and so is my RA. Not in a good way. Hard to adjust. Cold weather makes RA worse. I am so close to using a walker. Scares me. I cannot wait to see my specialist. Hope she has some ideas how to change things. But no more on this. No one wants to hear me whine. Nothing anyone can do and do not want to be judged.

I had my 3 deer in my yard eating tonight. Too dark for photos. But there were not in the pasture, they were IN - MY - YARD!! So cool!!

Photos are from today. Except the one from Felipes and the margarita. A lingonberry one. Mmm.


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