Friday, November 13, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 243......

 It got very very cold last night!! I was outside twice and it was 21F. Mucho frio!!! Not too bad today. In the 40s. Pleasant and no wind. Wind warning for tomorrow. Warmer tonight and tomorrow. There is soccer tomorrow but I cannot go. Covid. My brother can go being part of the press but I must stay home.

Slept good last night. Feels good to snuggle in the blankets and Nico. Wish Kisse would learn to snuggle. She is more stand-offish.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. They were very busy. And many carry outs. One was a huge box and a large bag. They could have just put it in my car for the weekend!!!

There was an art show next to Jalisco's. I was glad to see they had a big crowd. We were there the other day.

Had a rough moment at Jalisco's. A video I saw really upset me. Cannot talk about it.Just feeling sorry for myself. IF anyone noticed they all ignored me. Story of my life. Cried most of the way home. Have an essential oil that is supposed to make your mood better. Waiting.

Kind of glad some of my fave tV shows are back on. My fave one on Acorn will start in Janary. Beats anything on American tv. It is Canadian. Does not take much to be better than our tv shows.

Had a momentary emergency this morning. The neighbour's dogs visited our yard. Nico about had a stroke!!! They were much bigger than Nico. Lucky he was not outside.

So far survived Friday the 13th pretty well. Surely can make it to midnight.

Photos are a mix of old collages, town photos, and a few from Jalisco's and the town. 


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