Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 302....

 Had good day. Slept well except for some low blood sugar.

Took myself out for lunch. Had a burger and fries. JS came in to say hello before running errands. Good to see him.

Saw my therapist, KF. We have the same birthday. So today we had sparkling water in wine glasses! And I got to keep the sparkling water and wine glass. Very cool.

I brought my re Markle 2 to show her. She loved it. She thought her kids would too. And since using it my handwriting has improved a lot.

KF had her dog with today. He is such a sweetie! I got lots of puppy love!!

I wrote to the president of the historical society, TS. We have not met in months and had a meeting tonight. I am secretary on the board. I thought I would be ok attending but I just could not. Do not want to be an area with poor circulation and people I do not socialize with and have no idea how safe they live in this Covid time. I was so upset yesterday I was shaking. TS was going to try Zoom from there but there is no wifi. And who knows how good reception is. Well, he never contacted me so I assume it did not work. Guess I will find out later what happened.

Weather is cold tonight, very warm tomorrow, then cooling off. God forbid we would have any snow. When it gets cooler it is with very strong winds.

I need to relocate to where snow happens. Have friends in Rapid City SD. The landscape is gorgeous. And with snow awesome. Love their photos. Colorado is an option. Love it there.

My photos today involve snow. I took most of the photos. The ones with big equipment and people are the first snow after Willie died. The neighbours came over to clear the yard, where I walk and the driveway. Really nice moment.

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