Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Wandering, 21 September 2021

     I am feeling better.  Partly the weather is awesome for a couple of days.  Partly I did a Moon Intention last night and again just now.  Hope my angels are listening.  Feel like I have been punished my entire life but no idea what for.  Something in a past life?

    Sat outside with Nico and it was a tad chilly in the shade.  Willie always told me when you see the grasshoppers turning brown they are dying. Yay.  Saw several brownish ones.  Had a monarch float through,

    This week is my little granddaughter's birthday,  I was going to share a photo of her but just too upsetting.  Of course that is what they want.  And I am sure my daughter is a better grandmother than I ever was.  Any family photos with grandkids, etc. upset me.  I tend to ignore them.

    Sort of backing away a bit from FB.  I tend to like things I see but many "friends" I comment on or like never return the favor to me.  I am stopping.  There needs to be give and take and too many times there is not.

    Another day at home alone.  I made a quick run for groceries so we have food again.

    Got my laptop back yesterday. Took me an hour to update all my passwords.  And I only had to reboot my iphone once and my laptop 2 or 3 times to get everything to connect and work.  See what tonight brings.

    A mix of photos follow.  Mostly Swedish themed.  I sure miss the days when I had friends to meet at the Peacock for fika.  Think that ship has sailed now.


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003/2025 Lördag the 15th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Christel, Kristoffer Christopher is a special name to me.  My grandson's name.  I know a Christel also.  Nice ...