Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tuesday, March 31, 2022 Wandering

    A great day today.  Woke up to around 2" of snow.  I saw it snowing at 4am when outside.  It is lovely!  Nice that we got something nice here.  I got a few photos and it was gone after lunch.  And we have a chance for rain friday night.  I hope.  So dry here.

    My grandson, MM invited me to lunch today.  And was I lucky.  He was there with his girlfriend and 2 of my great grandsons.  They are adorable.  And learning to talk.  The youngest one was able to say "I love you Grandma".  Nice moment.  It was a fun meal.  Glad they live nearby.

    Jalisco's was busy and it messed my mind up.  Not used to eating out at noon except on sunday.  Came home and took a nap.  Woke up and thought it was sunday.  A few minutes later I remembered.

    Calm out today.  No gale force winds.  I get tired of hearing it.  I need to have a friend come to check on my roof when the wet weather is over.  And I need a tree cut down.  He can do that also.  I hope.  Worth whatever he wants to charge me.

    Good news from FIFA fútbol world cup.  Both Mexico and the US are both going.  It is confusing to me how they rule, I just know they did.  Canada is going for the first time in 36 years.  Great for them.

    Photos are from today, including my little ones.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tuesday, March 30, 2022 Wandering, 29 march 2022

    Finally it got cold last night.  It got up to 85F yesterday and with no AC yet my house got awful.  Not bad in the afternoon but last night it was 77F and humid.  I felt sick.  Part way through the night I needed my blanket!  Today was cold.  In the 50s all day.  Good.  They say chance of snow here tonight.  Yeah right.  We never get much of anything but heat and wind.

    Watching Mexico national fútbol team playing El Salvador.  Mexico is winning at half time 2-0.  US is playing but I cannot get that channel.  Poo.

    I worked today at the Old Mill.  They had a tour this afternoon so I felt alone for a while.  With the new scanner program it goes really fast.  I did 38 photos today!  I am in a school district that took tons of photos.  Including these tiny individual photos of students.  Hard to get them out and hard to put them back in the page.  And several pages yet to go.

    JR & PM and me ate supper together at Jalisco's.  They were so-so busy but lots of take outs.  That is good.  PM and I were in school together so we know some of the same people. But he played sports and helped with sports at the local college.  I know nothing of that but he does have some interesting stories.  I stayed longer than usual.  The fur kids survived.

    It was awfully windy today early.  That 50F felt pretty chilly.  Calmer tonight.  Trash bins still upright.  Good for them!!  Try and carry more out tomorrow.  And decide what boxes I need for some art pieces I am donating.  More on that at a later date.

    It is interesting to see where people are who look at my blog.  There was as many in France and the US.  And I had 2 from Ukraine.  For just a few days.  It is interesting to me.

    The prairie was not so pretty today.  The grasses where whipping around.  The pond was dark.  Probably had surfing waves.  Before I went to work there were 2 babies and their moms near my front yard.  So sweet to see.

    Nico is being a pest.  He wants something and will not give up.  Even if he gets something he always wants more.

    Photos are from today.  And in reverse order again.




Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wandering, 29 march 2022

    Not a great day.  Not bad just in a storm warning area, high winds, and fire warnings.  My trash bins have not blown over.  One lid blew open but not over.  The other one just quivers a little.

    The winds are gale force.  A joy to take Nico out.  Not.  Rain starts east of us around supper time.  Our rain is later.  Not holding my breath.

    Writing early in case we lose electricity.  And I got my hair washed and styled for the same reason.

    I am sleeping better at night since I started using some hemp gummies.  Can only take about a third of one but it works.  Now I have trouble taking a nap.  That is ok I guess.

    The prairie is not calm today.  The trees are bent over and the grasses are whipping around.  I did hear a crow near my front yard and then to the side of my yard.  Need to sit and see if I can see one of them.  Even in the wind the birds are chirping away.

    There is a huge fire south of here.  Far south.  Last I knew people were told to pack now in case they have to evacuate later.  Scary.  I swear every time the wind whips up acres burn.  Fire can hide in a pile of branches or straw and then weeks later blow up.  No one checks later.

    I thought of going for a ride but too windy and too much to do.  Things I have been avoiding.

    Photos are some local ones I have taken.  The Las Vegas one is very old.  I did not take it.  I miss going there.  I wonder if all the people we used to go with still go there and just leave me out?  Probably.  The gate is one I took in Sweden.  We were walking in a town and this is someone's back yard.  And the castle was in my family a long time ago.  My 16th great grandfather lived there.  I have been there twice.  Wish I could go inside!!




Monday, March 28, 2022

Wandering, 28 march 2022

    Home alone today.  But that was ok.  I am peaceful with little pain.  Even my eyes are better.  No extra eye drops and sat outside in the sun.  With Cinder.  We had some bonding time.  She is so skittish.  I wonder if she was abused.  She hates my purse.  I go out carrying my purse and she hides.  Poor baby.  Wish she could be a house cat.  Or part time house cat.  Wish Nico would just chill.  It is good he is protective, but he carries it too far.

    Nice to sit out in the sun.  It was peaceful.  On the other side of my porch the breeze in the shade was chilly.  The sun was better and Cinder was there.  I only took photos of her.

    Not much else to say.  Slow day.  Photos are of flowers that I have edited.  The photo of me with two friends are 2 guys I hung out with from the hospital.  Really old photo.  Guy on the right died a few years ago.  It was a horrid death.  It is over for him but not for me.  The other guy maybe lives in KC and he does not talk to me.  Miss them both.



Sunday, March 27, 2022

Wandering, 27 march 2022

    Not my best day.  My eyes hurt me all night.  I cannot count how many times I used my old eye drops.  Taking Nico out this morning the sunlight blinded me.  I decided to stay home.  Cannot drive blind.  Or sit and try to eat with tears running down my cheeks.  Dang.  It is always something.  But my eyes were a bit better after my nap.  I tried to sit outside but the breeze caused me discomfort.  At least my RA is better.  IF everything hurt at the same time it would be hell!!

    Yesterday was Nico's 6th birthday.  I felt guilty leaving him home.  But he had a special supper.  And he got leftovers from my hot beef yesterday for supper today.  Too good.  Told JR we should have each taken home a meal to go and each our own pie.  Would be a great week!!!  Need to go back there often.  It is not that far.

    I am watching the Oscar's.  Not seen any of the movies.  May later.  I want to see Belfast.  Not real impressed with some of the interviewers.  They act childish.  Very few of the regal, special actors like of old.  I love to see the clothes and makeup.  Only seen one truly awful outfit.  Tux with short shorts, ankle socks and penny loafers.  Classy.  Now there is a 60 years of Bond.  Think I have read all the books and seen most of the movies.

    Nice weather today.  Breeze was really chilly.  With the warmer weather, there is a chorus of birds all day with assorted soloists.  Including a woodpecker drummer.  Pretty cool time of year.

    Photos are some local sights.  I got a new candle that smells awesome.  Have a photo of it.




Saturday, March 26, 2022

Wandering, 26 march 2022

    What a great day!  JR and I decided to take a road trip just for supper.  Well worth the drive! 

    We drove to Yoder Kansas to eat at the Carriage Crossing.  Their parking lot was packed and we wondered if there was room for us.  But I remembered how large it is inside and there was plenty of room.  I had a hot beef sandwich (beef, bread, mashed potatoes, and gravy).  JR had a hot turkey sandwich.  I took half of mine home for tomorrow supper.  We both had a piece of pie.  They are known for their pies!!  I had lemon meringue pie.  JR had a chocolate cream pie.

    Yoder is the largest Amish community in Kansas.  The Amish cannot drive cars but can drive tractors or horse drawn carriages. So you see tractors driving every where and hauling food into the restaurant by tractor and cart.  They used to be able to only drive a tractor with metal wheels.  But then all their roads were getting torn up so now the tractors have tires like we do.

    Just before leaving town we met a small tractor with an elderly couple in the cab.  He had a long white beard and she was dressed in black.  Wish I could have gotten a photo of them.  They made me smile.

    The town has less than 200 people but there are many stores.  There is a second restaurant and a grocery store.  I have been in the old fashioned hardware store.  Lots of hardware but also old toys and things.  Just fun to see and have childhood memories come back.  There is Yoder Meats that I have heard of wonderful.  There is a furniture store where it is all hand made wood furniture.  And of course a farm store.  Used to be a store where the carriages were hand made.  I would hope it is still there.  I am sure there are others but those are the ones I remember.  The second restaurant has burgers and the photos look drool worthy.  But there is no where that sells alcohol.

    It was about an hour drive to get there.  Well worth the drive.  Fun to just see some different areas.  Must do this more often.  I sit here alone too much.  Even if I just drive somewhere alone, I need to just get out.  

    This morning my pasture was full of black cattle.  Just full!!!  Great to see!!  It was warm and calm.

    Photos are from today.  Stupid photos loaded backwards.  I am too tired to mess with them.



003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...