A great day today. Woke up to around 2" of snow. I saw it snowing at 4am when outside. It is lovely! Nice that we got something nice here. I got a few photos and it was gone after lunch. And we have a chance for rain friday night. I hope. So dry here.
My grandson, MM invited me to lunch today. And was I lucky. He was there with his girlfriend and 2 of my great grandsons. They are adorable. And learning to talk. The youngest one was able to say "I love you Grandma". Nice moment. It was a fun meal. Glad they live nearby.
Jalisco's was busy and it messed my mind up. Not used to eating out at noon except on sunday. Came home and took a nap. Woke up and thought it was sunday. A few minutes later I remembered.
Calm out today. No gale force winds. I get tired of hearing it. I need to have a friend come to check on my roof when the wet weather is over. And I need a tree cut down. He can do that also. I hope. Worth whatever he wants to charge me.
Good news from FIFA fútbol world cup. Both Mexico and the US are both going. It is confusing to me how they rule, I just know they did. Canada is going for the first time in 36 years. Great for them.
Photos are from today, including my little ones.