Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tuesday, March 30, 2022 Wandering, 29 march 2022

    Finally it got cold last night.  It got up to 85F yesterday and with no AC yet my house got awful.  Not bad in the afternoon but last night it was 77F and humid.  I felt sick.  Part way through the night I needed my blanket!  Today was cold.  In the 50s all day.  Good.  They say chance of snow here tonight.  Yeah right.  We never get much of anything but heat and wind.

    Watching Mexico national fútbol team playing El Salvador.  Mexico is winning at half time 2-0.  US is playing but I cannot get that channel.  Poo.

    I worked today at the Old Mill.  They had a tour this afternoon so I felt alone for a while.  With the new scanner program it goes really fast.  I did 38 photos today!  I am in a school district that took tons of photos.  Including these tiny individual photos of students.  Hard to get them out and hard to put them back in the page.  And several pages yet to go.

    JR & PM and me ate supper together at Jalisco's.  They were so-so busy but lots of take outs.  That is good.  PM and I were in school together so we know some of the same people. But he played sports and helped with sports at the local college.  I know nothing of that but he does have some interesting stories.  I stayed longer than usual.  The fur kids survived.

    It was awfully windy today early.  That 50F felt pretty chilly.  Calmer tonight.  Trash bins still upright.  Good for them!!  Try and carry more out tomorrow.  And decide what boxes I need for some art pieces I am donating.  More on that at a later date.

    It is interesting to see where people are who look at my blog.  There was as many in France and the US.  And I had 2 from Ukraine.  For just a few days.  It is interesting to me.

    The prairie was not so pretty today.  The grasses where whipping around.  The pond was dark.  Probably had surfing waves.  Before I went to work there were 2 babies and their moms near my front yard.  So sweet to see.

    Nico is being a pest.  He wants something and will not give up.  Even if he gets something he always wants more.

    Photos are from today.  And in reverse order again.




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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...