Saturday, October 1, 2022

01 october, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    My day was pretty good.  But, oh, what a night I had!!!

    Went to bed like normal.  Both of my upper arms & shoulders occasionally ache.  RA doc thinks it has something to do with my rotator cuff.  Last night my left arm went from an ache to bad pain.  I could do nothing with that arm.

    Then Nico started barking for over 30 minutes.  As visicious as he sounded I assumed we had a lion in the yard.  This happened a couple of times.  Very early morning Nico wanted to go out.  I barely got the door opened & Nico lurched violently to go off the porch & I lost my grip on his leash.  We had 2 deer in the pasture & he was gone.  I was scared his leash would get caught on something & he could not get home.  Cinder was with me & we both were looking in the same direction.  And, of course, he never listens to me so coming back home was not an option.  The deer came back to watch me yell.  Curious about me.  Then Nico appeared in the drive way but never came near the house.  He has a path he takes when outside without a leash.  So I fed both cats while waiting for him to return.  But no Nico for a long time.  I saw a beautiful sunrise.  Then I noticed him standing at the back of the house.  He was caught on something.  On the way back to him I saw a white feather.  That means that an angel was near.  Grateful.  His leash was caught on 2 tall dead weeds whose stems were like trees.  Got him untangled & in we went.  I was freezing & grabbed a third blanket.  Finally slept a little.

    Calm day after that runaway episode.  Went out just before supper time.  Gorgeous outside.  Pleasant temps & a nice breeze.  No bugs.  Cinder joined us.  I took lots of photos of the two of them.  A very nice relaxing time.  Needed some outside time.  Stayed out a long time.

    No texts or emails or calls.  People who have families & friends forget about those who don't.  My life now.

    My blood sugar is no better.  Why??  Might increase my doses on monday or tuesday.

    Photos are a mix.  Nothing special.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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