Tuesday, January 31, 2023

31 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

     A good day.  There was heat in the house.  Cinder & Nico snuggled with me all night.  I did not have to cancel any appointments today.  A joy not to be stressed.  I treated myself later as a reward.

    I actually slept really good.  Tried my new sleep med again.  And all fur kids were calm, which helped.

    My nephew came over to look at my front door handle.  Will come later in the week to replace it, hopefully.  I doubt the screen door can be fixed & cannot be replaced.  That size is no longer made.  I as usual, am screwed.

    I had an appointment with chiropractor for a SoftWave treatment.  It is similar to what they use to blast kidney stones but not so powerful.  He goes over my knee & back.  When it hurts he concentrates on that area.  He usually has to ramp up the power once for my back.  After my first treatment I have felt better, except for the ungodly pain I had last weekend in my hip.  No idea why I hurt so bad.  I could not walk, only hobble.

    After all the stress I had yesterday, I treated myself to a vanilla ice cream cone dipped in chocolate sauce.  To die for.  I had one last week too.  Had the same waiter.  He obviously remembered me.  Very nice.  I have people I have known for years that never are that friendly.  I ate my ice cream then got a burger & fries to take home.  Nico almost jumped for joy.  He does not get much people food now.  Diet.  I have some left over I will give Cinder.  While I ate she begged to go outside.  Ready to share & put her out, no kitty.  Must be sleeping in the bedroom.

    It was a bit warmer today.  Got up to 28.  Last night we saw 5F.  Dang cold.  Cinder wanted to be out most of the day, but at bedtime she had no arguments.  She was in & on my bed.  I always wanted a house cat to snuggle in bed.  Finally at this late date, I have one.  Neither Mom or nor Willie would ever let me have a cat to sleep with me.  They only wanted what they wanted.  I won't even say what happened to my childhood cat.  Too awful.  I loved him but no one cared.  I should be used to not being cared for.  Started in childhood.

    Photos are wintry things mostly.  The photo of ice cream is GB Glace from Sweden.  It is the finest ice cream.  No chemicals or preservatives.  Just real food.  Nothing like it here.  Makes me sad I will never get to taste it again.  When I would get on the plane to go to Sweden, that was my first thought.  GB Glace.  Mmmmm!



Monday, January 30, 2023

30 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    What a day!!  Woke up around 8am to a frigid house.  Bedroom was 69F.  Furnace quit working.  What next?  I always just expect the other shoe to drop.  And it usually does!  Always felt I was being punished for something.  No clue what.

    I called Pestinger's first.  They said they would try to send someone out this afternoon.  I would hope.

    Then I called my car repairman.  Cancelled my appointment for the 4th time.  He just laughed.  I rescheduled again.

    I had bought a new room heater but not got inside.  So I moved the old one.  OMG!  I think it weighs a ton!  It is almost to the door.  Almost.  Out the door tomorrow.

    Then brought the new one in.  It is so light.  But not a lot of air output.  Sigh.  It will do.

    Nico was trying to be my supervisor so he was sent to the hallway behind the baby gate.  What a nice morning.

    Workmen came around 2-3pm.  They did a lot of work on my unit.  The guy we had for years was mentally & physically slipping.  All the changes he made he never checked to see if all was well.  It wasn't.  Lots of things replaced today.  See if this buys me some time.  It is not too old but it is in bad shape.  I know I have to get a new one.  But not in frigid weather.

    Then I called my propane company.  They would try to get someone here today.  They did.  He first checked for leaks & found none.  I never turn my heat way up so how did I run out so fast?

    The house is a mess & worse today than usual.  I no longer care.  Too tired & too stressed.  I feel no reason to care.

    My front door knob is almost shot.  Texted my nephew & he will see what I need tomorrow.  It is easy to lock but to unlock is difficult.  Even opening the door is getting hard.

    I just could not fix anything good for supper.  Again, I do not care.  I only have strength for so much in one day.  I am done for today.  Tomorrow should be better.  I hope.

    It was so cold last night Cinder would venture out about 3 steps & run back in! In all night.  Curled up next to me.  Nice.  Kisse never did this.

    Photos are a winter mix.  First 2 are from Bryce Canyon, one of my favorite places.  Third photo is a snowflake on a raven feather in its wing.




Sunday, January 29, 2023

29 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Tried a new medicine for sleep.  Seemed to work pretty good.  See what tonight brings.  Nico & I took a nice nap.  Kisse was near.  Cinder went out.

    It got really cold last night.  And stayed cold.  I saw 9F early today.  Our high was 19F.  It is 11F now at 8pm.  There is some wind but out of the north.  I do not feel it near the house.  Good deal.

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  It was JS's last day.  I did ok.  No tears yet.  I told him I wanted photos of him & I.  Might be our last.  He says it is not but not sure can travel alone anymore.  Wish there was someone to help.  But the 2 who can work.  See what happens.  He wants me there for his wedding.  And Christmas.

    There was NO ONE that came in for lunch after church.  Usually when church is out we have to leave.  No one.  I think the cold did not help.  Plus some football matches in tv.  Probably some ordered out.

    After lunch JR ran in to the grocery store to get me some lunch meat.  I have been out for days.

    Not much else.  Finally my hip quit hurting last night.  Must have had the weather affecting it.  Plus whatever I did to it.  What next??

    Photos are a mix of winter.


Saturday, January 28, 2023

28 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

     I actually got some sleep last night.  Helps how I feel!  Cinder was next to me off & on.  Nico is always next to me.  Cinder was in more than out yesterday.  Only one scuffle with the 2 cats.  Nothing serious.

    My hip pain almost killed me last night.  And all day yesterday.  Not sure if I sat wrong or it was the weather changing.  Or both.  There was nothing I did that stopped the intense pain.  Today is better.  So is my queasiness.

    I had my hair done right after getting my new water heater.  So today I showered & shampooed.  Never ran out of hot water.  Awesome!  

    I have stopped using liquid shampoos & conditioners.  There are too many plastic bottles thrown away & not recycled.  I ordered some solid ones from Earthling.  I like them.  They suds good, smell good, & my hair is soft.  

    I saw some bar soap advertised that softens dry & itchy skin.  It is called Rad.  Because of my 3 chronic conditions my skin is beyond dry & itches often.  Decided to try.  It just came & have used it twice.  Works good.  My skin feels soft & I have much less itching.  So far so good.

    Change is good.

    We got up in the 50s today.  Warm.  Sat out with Nico & Cinder.  But about 3pm the temp started to drop.  Every time I looked it was at least 2 degrees cooler.  Down to 23F now.  The high tomorrow will be 19F.  There is snow here & there, but never for me.  Need to see if Cinder wants in.  She should.

    Missed a day seeing JS.  I wrote him but he never answered.  Normal.  I hope to see him at least once next week before he leaves.  I am not holding my breath.  Already feeling more alone.

    Planned on Jalisco tonight but JR had other plans.  I decided that just me there was stupid.  Why should I take a booth when other groups of people would need it.  I would just be in the way.  I almost drove to Salina to pick up chicken or BBQ.  But too lazy to go.  Next week.

    I had 3 good friends at one time recently.  One I used to actually go places with.  Then it stopped.  Wonder what I did?  Suddenly I was only good enough for a rare coffee.  With her other friends they did lots of stuff.  I was left out & realised we were never really friends.  Long story short, she now hates me.  Her loss.  My second close friend moved to New York.  We talk on the phone & she sometimes comes back for a visit.  Glad we are still close.  We had fun together.  JS is my last good friend.  He is moving out of state.  I wonder if our friendship will survive.  I hope.  He wants me to come visit him.  I cannot walk through an airport.  I am scared to drive that far alone.  I have no one who wants to travel with me.  I understand that their lives are much more important than what I want or need.  Will only get worse.  A couple have promised me they will do this or that with me.  Still waiting.

    Photos are snowy, winter ones.  And some buffalo.


Friday, January 27, 2023

27 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Still kind of sickly.  I do not feel as bad as yesterday.  That is good.  Not hungry, but when I take my insulin I have no option but to eat.

    I got no sleep last night.  I felt tired.  But nothing.  Of course Nico wanted up too often.  Cinder did sleep next to me.  That was nice.  She is no bother.  If she wants out she goes to the door & calls to me or rings the bell on the door.

    I did get a nice nap this afternoon.

    Then Nico & Cinder & I sat outside.  Did them good to hang out.  Me too.  Warmer than usual, 50F.  They both were rolling in the sun & grass.  Cinder came in for supper & is now missing.  She has a place she hides in.  So does Kisse.  Only Nico is near me.

    Tomorrow starts warm but does not last long.  The cold moves in from the NW.  And moves to the SE.  Sometime after lunch it hits here.  And continues to get colder. The high on Sunday is around 18F.  I would like to stay home this weekend but it is JS's last weekend of work.  Then he is gone.  And I am sad.  Want to see him all I can.

    Today I cancelled a lunch, chiropractor app't, & supper.  It is always something.

    I started watching Vienna Blood, a show my hair stylist suggested to me.  Placed before 1900 in Vienna.  Focuses on a detective & a psychologist.  And filmed in Vienna.  Loving it!  My kind of show!

    Photos are from my break outside.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

26 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Not a good night or day.  I thought my supper dessert was too rich.  Might have been but I stayed sick all night & all today.  No bueno.

    Got home after supper last night & Nico was sickly also.  Clueless as to why.  I looked for clues he got into something but I saw nothing.  He could not potty as he was too busy eating grass.  I would have tried a handful of grass if I thought it might work for me too.

    I got no sleep last night until this morning.  I had an appointment to get the car looked at but cancelled.  Will rescheduled next week.

    I ate some supper but could not finish.  Just was icky.  I am in the process of canceling tomorrow.  A..t least some things.  The thought of Mexican food or even a burger makes me queasier.  😡

    I tried to nap this afternoon but I hurt too much.  My SoftWave treatment has helped but it has no effect on my sciatica.  Dang, that sure hurts.  Surely no fun.  I finally slathered on pain killing cream.  Feel better now.

    Photos are just a mix of things I liked.  The last photo is Willie in his truck, Kajsa-Jo, & Nico.  The Christmas town & Santa I just did today.  The young women are an old old Smoky Valley Roller Mill photo.  The are on the traffic bridge over the Smoky Hill River.  There is also a bridge for the trains.  And a festive photo of me!


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

25 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Did not sleep well.  Partly Nico's fault.  I got some sleep this morning & surprisingly do not feel too bad.

    Worked today at the Old Mill.  I love the photos I am working on photos of the river & dam.  They are for a book sometime this year.  Today there were some nice ones.  A group of young ladies on the bridge over the river, all in white dresses.  Sweet.

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's.  They were sort of busy.  But I did get some visiting done.

    It got cold last night & is cold now.  Two warmer days then arctic cold & maybe snow.  I can dream.

    Photos today are from the grounds of the Old Mill.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...