Saturday, January 28, 2023

28 January, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

     I actually got some sleep last night.  Helps how I feel!  Cinder was next to me off & on.  Nico is always next to me.  Cinder was in more than out yesterday.  Only one scuffle with the 2 cats.  Nothing serious.

    My hip pain almost killed me last night.  And all day yesterday.  Not sure if I sat wrong or it was the weather changing.  Or both.  There was nothing I did that stopped the intense pain.  Today is better.  So is my queasiness.

    I had my hair done right after getting my new water heater.  So today I showered & shampooed.  Never ran out of hot water.  Awesome!  

    I have stopped using liquid shampoos & conditioners.  There are too many plastic bottles thrown away & not recycled.  I ordered some solid ones from Earthling.  I like them.  They suds good, smell good, & my hair is soft.  

    I saw some bar soap advertised that softens dry & itchy skin.  It is called Rad.  Because of my 3 chronic conditions my skin is beyond dry & itches often.  Decided to try.  It just came & have used it twice.  Works good.  My skin feels soft & I have much less itching.  So far so good.

    Change is good.

    We got up in the 50s today.  Warm.  Sat out with Nico & Cinder.  But about 3pm the temp started to drop.  Every time I looked it was at least 2 degrees cooler.  Down to 23F now.  The high tomorrow will be 19F.  There is snow here & there, but never for me.  Need to see if Cinder wants in.  She should.

    Missed a day seeing JS.  I wrote him but he never answered.  Normal.  I hope to see him at least once next week before he leaves.  I am not holding my breath.  Already feeling more alone.

    Planned on Jalisco tonight but JR had other plans.  I decided that just me there was stupid.  Why should I take a booth when other groups of people would need it.  I would just be in the way.  I almost drove to Salina to pick up chicken or BBQ.  But too lazy to go.  Next week.

    I had 3 good friends at one time recently.  One I used to actually go places with.  Then it stopped.  Wonder what I did?  Suddenly I was only good enough for a rare coffee.  With her other friends they did lots of stuff.  I was left out & realised we were never really friends.  Long story short, she now hates me.  Her loss.  My second close friend moved to New York.  We talk on the phone & she sometimes comes back for a visit.  Glad we are still close.  We had fun together.  JS is my last good friend.  He is moving out of state.  I wonder if our friendship will survive.  I hope.  He wants me to come visit him.  I cannot walk through an airport.  I am scared to drive that far alone.  I have no one who wants to travel with me.  I understand that their lives are much more important than what I want or need.  Will only get worse.  A couple have promised me they will do this or that with me.  Still waiting.

    Photos are snowy, winter ones.  And some buffalo.


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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...