Saturday, October 7, 2023

07 october, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

World Card Making Day
(I used to make all my own cards.  Need to start again.)

Today's Name Day is Birgitta, Britta

    I took a day of rest.  I needed it.  Between Nico & Cinder I do not always get enough sleep at night. Cinder when out early in the night, walked out on the porch, and came back in quickly.  She went out later closer to morning.  Cold.
    It got quite chilly last night.  Our low was 34F.  Not quite cold enough for frost.  But I was glad my heat was on just a bit.  I did not freeze.
    This afternoon we all took a nap.  The sun shining in my bedroom window was heavenly!  So cozy.  Nico thought so also.  The best sleep.
    I feel so guilty & bad for poor Nico.  I am an awful Mom to him & I have made him sick.  I can only feed him dog food & he refuses to eat any.  He will search for crumbs.  He will eat his dog treats.  I have no clue if those are allowed.  Will find out on tuesday.  I have apologised to him & told him how much I love him.  He must understand as when I do this he curls up on me.  Why am I so dumb??
    I am frustrated also today.  Why is if someone who says I am important to them cannot like even one thing I post?  Anyone else gets liked or commented on.  Or answer anything I send to them?  I seem to not be able to win.  Like I do not feel lonely enough.  Oh, well.  I need to just accept that I do not matter.
    I have seen where my former therapist has opened an office again.  I have decided not to call her.  I have figured out she is friends of some of Willie's friends who never liked me.  I hope she is honorable.  And if she is not she better hope I never find out.  Will not be good for her new office.  I have given up on therapy.  Just too late for me.  My life is as it is.  I need to just accept it.  Losses & all.
    Photos are autumn themed.  I did a couple.  The cool pumpkin one is actually a grouping my  grandson CF did today.  I edited how it looks but did not sign it.


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