Monday, December 12, 2022

12 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Met my grandson CF for lunch.  Had a great visit.  Visited with JS.  Got hugs from both.  Early Jul gifts!  Very nice.  I had 3 errands to run & got them done before lunch.  Brought 3 bills to pay in the car.  Took care of those after lunch.

    Today I planned to bring Cinder in the house.  She would not come close to me.  Any other day she is begging to come in.  But it is warmer today.  With the clouds & wind it does not feel warm.

    When I got home I putting my purse away & it kept tipping over.  As I tried to stand it up, Nico escaped.  I could not see him any where.  So I waited & called.  And called.  Finally he zoomed up on the porch & in the door.

    Then later he escaped again as I fed Cinder.  I saw a truck in the back field & I knew he was went there.  Yep.  Pretty soon my nephew drove up with Nico running by him!  I finally got him in the house.  He has had his fun for the day.  Now he asleep & too tired to bother me as I blog.  Nice!!

    It only got down to 41 or so last night.  Barely got over 50 today.  It got warmer all night & the wind came up.  Had light rain over night & drizzle today.

    I am watching Home Alone.  When CF was a young boy we watched it every time he was over here.  Willie would beg me to hide it.  He was so tired of seeing it!!  We had favorite parts I would have to rerun to watch several times.  I am having lots of memories watching!

    Photos tonight are some of my favorite ones.  Animal paintings of them dressed in Christmas attire.  I had forgotten about them.



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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...