Tuesday, December 13, 2022

13 December, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Did not get much sleep last night.  Too stressed. Thunderstorm. Restless Nico.  Nice to get rain.

    Weather was a mess last night & today.  Not for me but others.  SW Kansas had tornado warnings.  I think it just rained luckily.  But blizzard conditions in NE Colorado, NW Kansas, Nebraska & north & east.  At one point there were no roads open to enter or leave NE Colorado.  And roads kept closing further east in Kansas as hotels filled up.  There were white out conditions & up to 10 inches of snow.  We might get snow next week.  Might.  Always iffy for us here.

    Last night I tried to get Cinder to come in.  She got damp in the rain.  I think it was too wet for her to get under the house.  Maybe I should rock the entrance so it is not muddy.  She came from the east once & we have an old dog house there.  Maybe that is where she was.  She finally did come in.  She and Nico snuggled.  Then Kisse sort of hissed.  That was the end.  Just now she walked in here but went no where.  Keep trying before next week & the dangerous cold that is forecast.

    Nico just demands his corner of the sofa.  But I am here & staying.  So he is laying between me & the pillow behind my back.  Does not bother me if he is comfy.

    My stress has grown to almost unbearable conditions.  Wish  I had a therapist.  I need someone to talk to.  People don't care how I feel or I get lectured.  And it just gets worse.  No relief in sight.

    Quiet today.  The only action here today was trash pick up.  I am in no hurry to carry trash out.  Wind is too cold.  Cooling off fast tonight.  It is 33F now.

    I managed to get to town to get groceries.  And as normal, I did not get all I ordered.  Just drives me crazy.  How can they be out of so many things at one time?  Plan ahead.

    With little sleep last night I managed a nice nap.  I needed it.

    Today is the Sankta Lucia festival.  Lindsborg always celebrates it on a weekend to get the most tourists.  My photos are of Lucia today.


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003/2025 Tisdag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Photo of the Lindsborg High School basketball team in March 11, 1966 when we won the state tourny in Emporia KS.  The tall young man in th...