Saturday, August 19, 2023

19 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

 World Photo Day

    Did nothing today.  Too hot for anything.  The worst day for a long long time.
    I was so shocked to look at my temp outside at noon & see 109F.  At noon!!  With strong winds.  Like a blast furnace outside!!  Finally got to 111F & stayed there all afternoon.  Cinder begged to go out & I tried so hard to keep her in.  But she escaped before my nap.  When I got up she came in.  Still in & not begging to go out but I know she wants to go.  Is a cool 104.1F now.  She goes under the house.  Silly cat.
    Our high temp of 111-112F broke a record from 1936.  Many records broke in Kansas today.  And probably tomorrow too.
    I seem to have constant pain.  Sort of in the same place.  Pain relieving creams only work for so long & then fail.  Not very long.  Even if the pain is not the worst, just having it hurt constantly wears on one.  I can only take Tylenol for pain.  It does nothing.  Advil is better but it damages kidneys as does one of my RA drugs.  No Advil for me.  Being diabetic one needs to guard one's kidneys.
    Nothing much from anyone text-wise for me.  Short couple of notes from MM.  And photos of one of my great grandsons.  Always helps.
    Did not eat out last night.  JR went to the city water fight in the park to take photos.  Chose not to eat alone in the heat.  Not decided about sunday evening.  If it is this hot I really do not want to go anywhere.  Who cares if I show up or not?  Monday I have to go out at least twice.  Dread it.
    I picked photos today that have nothing whatsoever to do with heat.  Nice cozy photos of where I want to be.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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