Sunday, August 20, 2023

20 august, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I have nothing to blog about.  I am just tired of the status quo.  No need for me to whine when no one cares or can or will help.

    ANOTHER hot day.  It was 108 all afternoon.  But no breeze today.  Just overwhelming outside.  A breeze helps.

    Cinder went out at noon.  Then was totally absent all day.  I was more than worried.  But after supper she came in for food & water.  I have water for her outside too.  She is back outside now.  I am more relaxed.  Why does she want to be out in the heat?

    Most everyone I am connected to ignored me today.  Makes things lots more difficult for me.  One friend should comment or at least like what I post.  But never happens.  Why?  Grandsons quiet today.

    I have quit posting much on FB.  And I try to ignore things that upset me because they are things I wish were in my life.  Better to ignore.

    Tomorrow I have to take trash out for trash day.  Oh joy.  Do not have much.  Could have more but not in the heat.

    Sorry I am hurting today.  Had a new pain last night.  Could not hardly walk or turn in bed.  No clue what I did.  I am just blessed.  Will try to be cheerier tomorrow.

    Photos are old ones.

    I love the wind turbine photo.  Combination of the old & the new.


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