Thursday, May 2, 2024

05/2024 Torsdag the 02nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Day of Prayer

Today's Name Day: Filip, Filippa

    Just a quiet day with promises of rain that never happen or just a mist if lucky as we slip deeper & deeper in to drought.  Glad I am out of the farming business.  Scary times.

    Cinder was odd last night.  She beat me to bed last night & had her "nest" picked out before I even got there.  And she layed next to me all night,  Kisse was nearby in her usual nest.  A nice calm night.

    I keep the heating pad on my hip while at home.  Think it helps,  Walking with little pain or my cane.  Amazing.  Now how to go to town with a heating pad on???

    Weather was calm.  We had severe weather watch last night that died hours early.  No complaints.  And the usual notices of rain starting at such-such time but never happening.  Next is friday night.  If no rain, just go away.  I don't even get hopeful anymore.

    My fave TV show Ghosts had it's last episode for the season tonite.  Seems so short but it has only been on half a season thanks to the strike.  Looking forward to the autumn season.'

    Cinder always comes in to nap,  Then she wanted out & only just laid on the porch.  What a life!!

    Actually texted with grandson CF a lot today.  He had many photos/videos of the river near where he lives,  Full of roaring water.  We can only dream here.  Fun to see.  The videos were loud & cool.

    Photos tonight are some local ones I took & at least one I just liked.


Truck at my neighour"s house

Friend's poppies

In town for a car show.  Maybe in Salina.

My family castle from generations ago

Bikers at our local bar.  This one was impressive

Cool car in town.  Local owner

Friend's poppies

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...