Friday, May 3, 2024

05/2024 Fredag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Chocolate Custard Day 

Today's Name Day: Jane, John


    Another quiet day except for my allergies making me sneeze & cough often.  A bit better tonight.  I cancelled supper tonight.  No one wants to hear me hacking!

    Sleep was ok last night.  Cinder spent some of the night away from me.  Kisse stayed close.  But mornings Cinder comes back to bed.

    Cool weather last night.  Good for sleeping.  Today was so-so.  Severe threats for here around midnight or so.  Keep the severe stuff away please.  I try not to worry but hard not to sometimes.  If something happens to my house, I have no where to go.  No family to take me in.  No friends to bunk with.  Just me.  I try to keep these thoughts to myself as no one cares how I feel.  Learned that the hard way.  Tried talking once but got shut down fast.  Keep my thoughts just to me.  I can get another home but what to do until that happens.  Nada.  Live in my car with the cats.  How cozy we will be.

    I think Millfest with 500 kids at the Old Mill today went ok,  Be fun just to be there & watch!  Tomorrow is the adult Millfest day.  The mill will be turned on for adults to walk through & observe.  Think it is like 3 stories high.  My grandfather worked there years ago & my father hauled out of there to Topeka.  It is a dear place to me.  And now I volunteer there.  JR worked there during the renovation time taking photos.

    I see Cinder is now on the porch.  I will wait to let her in.  If she comes in now she will want back out soon.

    Not much else to write about.  Just a mix of photos.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...