Friday, June 14, 2024

06/2024 Fredag the 14th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


An American Holiday but no one gets a day off & stores are all open.

Today's Name Day: Håkan, Hakaon

    I had another sleepless night.  Too much on my mind.  And slept too much being sick yesterday.  But I survived.  Tonight I do not care.  Still too much on my mind.
    Hot again today,  Got up to 94F.  Now storms to the west.  Maybe headed this way.  Of course the clouds separate when they get to my farm & then back together when east of here.  Just want rain & none of the awful scary winds that are out there now.
    More hurtful photos yesterday for me to see.  I commented on them this time.  Only the word "Interesting".  So today I got an answer that my grandson was here with his fiance & her kids for who knows how many days.  I was not invited to see him or meet her.  She told me all that they did & how they loved it,  They had so much fun on his birthday.  I crieda lot,  Almost like she was mocking me.  Have not seen him for such a long time but I guess he did not want to see me.  And she did not want to meet me.  I thought we were getting along good,  Guess I thought wrong,  I never answered.  Just cried here alone.
    Cinder napped with me after lunch.  She went outside very early this morning when it was cool.  And is out now.  I did call her but did not see her.  Watching the radar,  Will get serious as the storms approach.
    Big holiday in Lindsborg tomorrow.  Midsommarsdag.  Swedish folk dancing, food, beer garden, May pole, & more.  I used to go but they moved it to a different park that is just too hot for me.  Just stay home.  If I could get to the Old Mill I could sit on the porch to just watch things.  But not possible,.  And too hot.  Our historical group used to have a booth,  but no one wants to anymore.  Smart people.
    I started craving a "real" hamburger last night.  Maybe get one tomorrow.  Maybe not too crowded downtown.  Do not feel like driving out of town.
    My throat had a moment of hurting today.  Not for long,  Still fighting something.
    Cleaned off my table by the sofa & a couple of drawers,  Found things I was looking for.  Have a cool candle lighter that you charge online.  No matches needed.  Look on Amazon.  Candles smell so good.  Hope they soothe my soul & make me feel better.
    I ordered a couple of jars of spicy toppings.  Use on toast or eggs or whatever.  Awesomely good but boy they has a bite to them!!  Need to get some eggs to use them on.  They have a little bacon in them also.
    Just washed my hair & I think the shampoo I used irritated my scalp.  Need to rewash.  Will throw the one away.
    Photos today are of flowers.  I took none of the photos & edited a few of them.

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10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

               Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag ........ is always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it m...