Thursday, June 13, 2024

06/2024 Torsdag the 13th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Random Acts of Light Day

Oftentimes it takes just one gentle word or small token to help overcome darkness. On June 13, National Random Acts of Light Day encourages us to bring light to the darkness of cancer by surprising someone with an act of kindness.

Today's Name Day: Aina, Aino


    My days just get worse & worse.  Woke up with a bad sore throat, fever, aches, but I slept great.  Just a bad day.  It was a jammie & soap opera day.

    Cinder helped me nap.  That was nice.  I treated myself to vanilla pudding & lingonberries.  Yummy.

    Cinder has had a bad day.  She has begged to go out, but it was far too hot & now there are storms here, or close.  I walked to the back of the house & could smell rain.  Here is what my weather was like.  Super hot!!!

I am sure she wishes she knew how to open the front door without me!!  She will live until tomorrow.

    Tonight I am a bit better  Runny nose & achiness.  I have given up on this week.  I wanted to get some harvest photos on friday but not going to happen.  Just rest.  My grandson MM cannot speak.  Not all are upset iwth that!!! 😌😊 And my great grandson is on the way to the ER for being sick.  I am sure the lingongberries will help me survive!! 

    There is a Lindsborg group that is at best unkind & negative.  And they have no rules.  Just a free for all.  Happened to look at it today.  Lo & behold without using my name they were insulting me & all swedes.  I liked what they posted, or rather what my granddauther answered them with so they know I saw it.  He is an idiot.  One false word in my group & he is banned,  (Ooops.  He is not in my group.  Says he was so either he quit or was banned by me.  HA.)
    Still not sure what to do about the family who have lied to me in the worst way & then were stupid enough to show me photos of the lie.  Maybe let it pass or say something.  Trust is gone whether I say anything or not.  There are other things kept from me but this was the absolute worse.  And sad for me, no one else cares how I feel..  I am too used to not getting any support
    Texted with a good friend today.  We both apologised for not talking to each other.  He is not well but getting the treatment he wanted so I pray & hope that helps.  Hope to see each other soon.  Will make that happen.
    Rain is getting close.  Wish it would hurry,  Has gone from 103F to now 83F.  Still stuffy out though.
    Photos all are old harvest photos & one with just wheat because I like it.  Last photo.

Willie hard at work.  I miss him in my life when he was healthy. 🙏😧

Boy, those were the days!!!  Lots of equipment, lots of help, lots of wheat.

Notice in the large tractor tire is Willie's blue cooler.  Our nephew still has it & only uses it at harvest so Willie is still there.  (Now I am crying)

Nothing to do with our harvest.  Just like this photo.

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