Friday, June 21, 2024

06/2024 Fredag the 21st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Selfie Day

A selfie of me & Nico.  I miss him every day.

Today's Name Day: Alf, Alvar

    Nothing special today.  Just a quiet day.  I need to be taking trash outside but I am not in the mood.  The cats & I took naps, but I have no clue where they were.  No one near me.

    Got hotter today,  It is 91F now.  Feels it outside.  Humidity is a bit high.  Bad heat forecast for monday & tuesday.  In a weather watch.  Could be 100+ but the feels like is 110+.  Usch.  Still hating summer.  Super hot the next week or longer.  Little chance of rain.

    Not much in me getting texts.  Just the usual one or two who always talk to me.  No eating out tonight.

    I did get my hair washed so it looks better.  I think the last shampoo I used was awful.  Made my scalp itchy.  Tossing it.  I have one I need to reorder  Almost out.

    Scary.  Shooting in Arkansas where my best friend lives.  But it is not in his area I hope..  Too far east, I think.  Why are people crazy in our country?  Sad.  Glad I do not go shopping anywhere.  I remember seeing a man in a local eating place with a gun on his hip.  I almost left.  No one needs to carry heat.  Idiots.

    Photos today are flowers.  Most of them I have taken.


Decided to share photos of my kids more often even though Nico is no longer with us,  I take lots of photos of them. Might as well share them..

In town near the Old Mill.  Love these.

At the beach --- in town!!  This house does awesome things for Halloween.  Always fun.  They have this corner area with nothing in it.  This is fun!!

The prettiest flower plantings I have seen in town.  Love it.  So colorful!

In my pasture.  Need to start driving home on the back roads.  After some rain may have flowers to take photos of.

In a pasture.

Piece of art I liked.  Did not take this one.

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...