Thursday, June 20, 2024

06/2024 Torsdag the 20th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Summer Solstice


Today is a good day.  The days get shorter & each day is one day closer to Autumn & Winter.  And one day further away from heat & humidity. 😃

Today's Name Day: Linda

    Today is a mostly cheerful post.  Midsommarsdag.  It is celebrated on different dates depending on where you live.  Especially in the US.  Already is over in Lindsborg.  Never ever is celebrated on the real day unless it falls on a weekend.

     I got no sleep again last night.  Think the power drink before work & drinking Coke played a role in my being awake.  I napped a bit this morning & this afternoon.  Will I sleep tonight?  That is a crapshoot.

    Had a bad sneezing spell today.  Hope it is just allergies.  I do not want to be sick again.  MM & kids were all sick.  Then they all got well.  And by god they all got sick again.  I think they are improving again.

    Cinder napped with me today.  Always nice to have cuddles.  If she is somewhere else then Kisse stays near by.

    Hot again today.  It was at least 90F.  We had some rain overnight.  Did not amount to much but nice to see lightning, hear thunder, & see wet windows.  Always nice & so rare.

    I love it.  Someone tried to tell me they know exactly how it is to be alone.  Doubtful.  Did not gete any support only that they know my feelings.  They have 3 kids at home, a mother at home, friends, neighbours, a boyfriend.  They are not stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no kids, no parents, few family anywhere near, few friends.  They get to travel & I never get to anymore.  They were recently in the ocean.  I am not even close & never will be.  Always glad when people know how my life is.  Yeah right.  Glad they understand my life so well,  HA.  But I am lucky to have grandkids & great grandkids who love me, a boss I am close to, a close cousin, but I am still alone too often.  Maybe I need to see if I can volunteer a second day each week.  Will think about it

    Here is where to read about Midsommarsdag in Sweden.  Wish I could be there just once.

Was a pagan celebration & still is in many ways. Try to imagine doing the frog dance.  We do it here in town. I would end up in the hospital!!!

    Weather has nothing but 90+ days in the future.  Weatherman was all excited about one cooler day. It is to be 91F.  I will try not to get too excited! 😰

    All photos today are from Midsommarsdag.  Love them.


This is from Minnesota

I took this in town sometime.

Now this is a super may pole!!! Yikes!!  We need to step it up in town!!

Common Swedish Midsommarsdag food.  Plus lots of alcohol!  And singing drinking songs.

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06/2024 Torsdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Family Time     Today was lunch with my grandson MM, third great grandson & his mom.  Super nice.  Family time is very rare in my life ...