Wednesday, December 25, 2024

12/2024 Onssdag the 25th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  There is no name for today.
There is no name listed on Dec. 25 on the Swedish calendar of names.  .  Christmas is considered a day of celebration for everyone, not just individuals with a specific name; essentially, everyone "celebrates their name day" on Christmas Day in Sweden.   

    Today was ok.  I slept so-so.  We had heavy fog all night & this morning.  Have a fog warning again tonight the though tomorrow morning.  It stayed fairly chilly all night & today.  Same tomorrow.
    I got all the gifts wrapped last night.  Could not find my scotch tape so I used what I had.  Not the best but after they were opened no one knew!!  I bought 3 coloring books, 3 teddy bears, many colored markers, a jigsaw puzzle.  I am clueless  what little kids like.  I do have ideas for the future. MMJ likes to color & it looks really good.  SM loves rockets, etc.  AM makes his own fun with whatever is there & likes cars.
    All of us ------ me, their mom, & the boys were there.  We enjoyed each others company & lunch.  Two of us were missing due to decisions they made for themselves.  Their loss.  Dysfunction continues as usual.
    Lunch was pancakes, syrup, sausage links, bacon & hot chocolate to die for.  Kids ate in the kitchen but KW & I ate in the living room.  And were able to have a nice talk.  Love her.
    The kids are so special.  AM would quietly walk up to me close just to say "I love you".  More than once.   SM would come over for hugs.  MMF wanted me to stay & not go home.  Their dog totally ignored me.
    I took a short nap at home.  Cinder jumped on my chest right away.  I did not sleep long but just laid with Cinder.  Both cats got treats early in the day since it was Christmas.  Found something that Cinder loves.  Maybe feeding early is good.  They have not bugged me since then.
    I have fought tears since home but will survive.  Only matters to me how I feel.  Tired of Xmas.  Not saying it one more time.  Or writing it either.
    Josh Gates on the Discovery Channel has done a show on the real Santa Claus.  I have seen it before but watched it again.  Starts with a Saint hundreds of years ago.  He was very honoured.  After he was buried a piece or two of his body was removed & taken to other places.  Venice was one.  Forget the other one.  And the last I think Chicago.  All those pieces have been tested & they all match.  And they all are Santa Claus.  Very interesting.  They knew who was buried from then to the ones present now, they are the same man.
    Photos tonight are Christmas trees.  Then mostly done with Christmas.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...