Thursday, December 26, 2024

12/2024 Torsdag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Decided I would share this about a custom in my country when someone dies.  Most of the money donated to the memory of Dad went for this nativity.  So did someone else's money who had died around the same time.  I love it with snow.  This is several years old.

Today's Name Day: Staffan, Stefan
A special name to me.  Have a cousin in Stockholm Sweden with this name. 

    I slept pretty good last night.  Cinder stayed pretty close.  Kisse was near my bed also.
    Stayed too warm overnight.  And we had fog.  Not as bad as I expected.  In a fog warning again tonight & tomorrow night.  Then near 60 on the weekend,  I hate the thought of that.  Its winter.  Where is the cold & snow???  Not here.
    No nap today.  Called my accountant.  Very late in calling him.  Oh well.  I have no income most years.  I still own a bit of pasture KN pays me rent for.  He will buy it one of these years.
    I spent all afternoon going through photos to delete what I needed to.  Way too many.  And more to go.
    Only one text today & a couple of emails..  I am forgotten again.  No fun to always be alone & left out.  Ready for tomorrow, big time.
    I found photos of when I retired as president of the Swedish group I was in.  I got nice things & nice words but I sat alone.  Always.  Many of the members ate out after our meetings but I ate alone.  Never included.  There were 5 of us cousins in the group but they never claimed me.  They made sure to tell everyone I was from a different generation.  There was a friend that did start going to the group so we sat together & ate out.  My feeling alone started years ago.
    NO Christmas photos today.  Might be one in my group but it was a accident.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...