Friday, June 30, 2017

Swedish Group, Sweden & more

Today was my weekly Swedish Group -- Svenskavänskap Gruppen. We talk a lot about Swedish things and have fika (coffee/cookies with friends). Today was SHOW & TELL. We saw 2 very old Swedish documents. There was a discharge paper from the King for this family's father. Then same family had a document from the King allowing them to go to America. They are from 1851. Written in very old Swedish that makes it extra difficult to read. What a treat to see these.

I have from the late 1880s a paper giving my great grandmother permission to come to America from her priest. At that time you had to have permission to move from one house to another from your priest. Makes it easy to track you family sometimes. This great grandmother was only 18 years old and traveled alone.

Sweden originally was a pagan country and then became Catholic. Some of their festivals were actually pagan celebrations that the church adopted to get people to come to church. King Gustav I Vasa instigated the Church of Sweden in 1536 during his reign as King of Sweden. This act separated the church from the Roman Catholic Church and its canon law. Can you imagine going to church thinking you are Catholic and then it is announced you are now a Protestant? Hard to imagine!! The clergy kept the name priest (präst) but are Lutheran and can marry, etc.

I went to church in Bjärred Sweden. Beautiful July day. Wonderful weather unlike our normal July weather here in Kansas. We all sat outside. They used a small table as an altar. And a keyboard for our music. We stood in a half circle for communion. They passed the bread and then the wine. We took each at the same time. Then we held hands for a prayer. Quite moving. But since then I am more Swedish ---- much less religious.

We also saw some interesting books and some hand sewn pieces that are called huck weaving. I love doing it. Need to get some material and start again. Very easy!!!

I had lunch with my good friend J at Jalisco's. I almost always get arroz con camerones y frijoles (rice with shrimp and beans). One of my best friends works there. He gave me 2 gifts today! I am so lucky! O is the best!

Back to sticky hot weather. I am sooo ready for autumn. But it is nice to have my puppy Nico outside during the day. I actually get things done. Sometimes!!! When I am not so tired and my knee is not so painful.

We did have rain last nite but none of the severe weather they forecast. A relief. I love storms but hate wind. In a tornado once and never liked wind since.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Not a bad day today. Had my hair, colored, cut and styled. Nice to be pampered. And H always gives good hugs. I rarely get a hug, so they are treasured.

We had rain last nite. Nico is just so dumb. He just had to go out not around bedtime even though he had already done his business. So out we went. He did nothing. Then when the rain started he really had to go out. He walked down the porch steps and there was huge thunder and lightning. He sure ran back fast but too bad. He finally toughed it out and ran out on the yard.

Day started out super windy but after my hair app't there was no wind but hot and humid. I hate that.

I brought home BBQ beef for supper. Too good for words. Yum!! Don't buy it often.

Storms forecast for tonite but right now (11pm) it is horrid outside. Hard to catch my breath and too many bugs. Yuck.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today did not go as planned. Never heard my alarm and overslept. So I never ate out today. Dang. I feel great but missed my friends.

I have decided to write about having  chronic pain. I had my right knee replaced in 2015. It does all it should but always aches a bit. Then my left knee started to hurt. Well, it will have to be replaced, so no worries. Soon my fingers on both hands started to hurt. Just my middle fingers. Some days not too bad other days really bad. And I find there are days I cannot make a fist. The left is the worst. Then the pain moved to both wrists and then both elbows.

I went to my doctor. He put me on a generic celebrex. Elbows and wrists got better but not my fingers. Saw him again. He did one lab test and said it did not show any inflammation. He just sort of laughed and said when docs do not know they just say you have throw you into the fibromyalgia group. I did tons of reading on fibro. He started me on Lyrica. Then I asked to see a specialist. By the time I saw him, I was having awful side effects.

Specialist did not find any fibro but he did lab and xrayed my hands. And he never made me feel stupid. Nothing showed up. Why the pain?

People do not understand  what it is to have pain daily. Almost always my fingers. Hard to pick things up. And lordy if I turn one wrong or hit it! I can go through the roof. Both knees hurts almost daily. I cannot always do a lot of walking. And sometimes I am not in a good mood. I never mean to be grouchy but I am often, I am sure. And I miss out on some fun things.

Probably have knee surgery within the next year. Need to start getting shots in my knee and then decide when to do it. Like there is a good time.

Photos are old ones.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Not sure what to write. A boring day. Awake most of the nite so I napped today. Just too much knee pain.

Took Nico out around 530am. There was the most beautiful huge cloud to the south. And there was lightning in it. need to remember to take my phone with me when we go out. It was no where near us and not coming our way. Thursday we have a chance of storms again. And Friday,

I powered through my knee pain and did some house work. No fun. Oh, to have some help!! What a fantasy!!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Today has been both good and bad.

Had lunch with my daughter N at Jalisco's. Splurged and each had carne asada! Awesome!! We had a nice visit.

Then I picked up some new glasses. I CAN SEE!!!  I like them. 

Then I went to Walmart and had my hair shampooed and styled. So nice to be pampered! Fun!!

But. Then the bad. I could barely walk to my car. Oh, the pain. It is time to call my ortho surgeon and start shots in my knee. And decide when to have surgery. And what to do with my puppy. Hate to board him for over 2 weeks. And cannot trust my husband  to be here to take him out, etc. DO NOT want to come home and have to clean God knows what from my room. And no one to leave him with. Dang.

Then tonite I had put my laptop on the table in front of my chair. Thought it was back all the way. Thought wrong. It fell on my foot, the edge hitting my toe joint. No bueno.

There were storms in our area but not here. Later in the week, maybe.

Home tomorrow. Have to get some housework done. I get NO help. Nada. A little might be nice but never. I will power through the pain.

New glasses and new hair!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

It started to rain last nite around midnite. And rained off and on all night and today. In town it poured down. I got wet!!

Ate Mexican at Jalisco’s. Great food. I seem to get stuck in a rut and eat the same thing all the time.

This afternoon my brother J and I went through more of Mom’s stuff. I think she saved over 100 medical letters. They are now gone. She could not have found an article in one if she wanted to. And many recipes I do the same except on my computer.

She had some great hardbound cross stitch books. One is one I gave her. I got it in Sweden. I am thrilled to get it back. Maybe it will inspire me!

It was a good day. Took photos of some flowers. I am not a summer person but I do like flowers.

Last week we celebrated Midsommarsdag. My photo today is an one from years ago. Others are flowers from today.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...