Sunday, September 3, 2017


I celebrated my brother, J's birthday today. My daughter N went with us. I let my brother choose where he wanted to go. He chose Carrabba's in Wichita, an Italian restaurant. It is only open during the day on weekends so we had never eaten there. It was excellent. I had shrimp and pasta.  Plan on going back sometime.

Back in town we got to see N's new apartment. It is very nice. Still unpacking. Outside her windows is an area with rocks, gravel, and driftwood. There are 2 doves living there. I got a couple of photos.

Stopped in Jalisco's to say hello to the guys. And maybe taking one to town to look at a car tomorrow. Will hear tomorrow.

Monday is a holiday here in the US. Not for me. We used to get together with my family for a bbq but that ended when Mom died. We never were with my in-laws. Nothing planned for tomorrow unless I spend time with either my brother or a friend. I miss the past times. I miss family.

I printed a collage of my friend who died. I will hang it in my room. Gives me peace. I hope he knows he was loved and now missed.

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